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Thread: iRacing Damage and Forecasts

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2022

    iRacing Damage and Forecasts

    iRacing does not make damage and weather forecasts available in the telemetry so we must rely on the built-in spotter for this.

    It is possible to create a custom iRacing spotter pack which only implements SOME of the calls, see

    Keep reading to the post below this one by Jerry to get a drop-in pack with his voice.

    Drop this file which can be dropped into a sub-folder of your <iRacing installation>\sound\spcc directory (we recommend creating a folder called "minimal" here). Then your spotter can be enabled and the button to get a damage report or weather forecast should now work but you won't hear anything else. This is possible thanks to this feature

    You can set up a button binding to ask for the reports in iRacing, or use a keybinding which allows CrewChief voice macros to simulate pressing the buttons (e.g. ctrl-d for damage and ctrl-w for weather).
    Last edited by fommil; 19-01-2025 at 22:51.

  2. #2
    Junior Member SimCzech's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2023


    Hey, everyone, Crew Chief Jerry here!

    I've made a minimalistic iRacing Spotter Pack that works with Crew Chief to allow me to give you damage & weather reports via iRacing.

    When combined with a macro & command in iRacing (see above), I can provide this data any time you ask me. Otherwise, I'll only speak up when required.

    To install the pack, simply unzip the file and paste it into your //iRacing/sound/spcc folder, then restart iRacing.

    Once installed, you should see the pack as an option in the iRacing Sounds menu when your iRacing Spotter is enabled. Choose the pack, and you'll be good to go. (For what it's worth, I set my "chattiness" to "low".)

    As this is a "minimalistic" pack, the only things included in it are things that iRacing does not share with Crew Chief. If Crew Chief can see the data natively, you'll hear it directly from there. This means things such as lap times & flag reports will come from Crew Chief, not iRacing directly.

    The pack includes the S1'25 updates, FYI.

    The latest version of the Pack is available here.

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