Hello there,

I am hoping someone here can assist with an issue I am encountering with Crew Chief. I have been using the software for a while now; and it is been great for race commentary and overall immersion in my sim racing experience. However; I recently ran into a problem with the audio output; and I am not sure how to resolve it.

The issue is that Crew Chiefs voice output is either completely silent or only faintly audible through my rear channels; while the car sounds and other voices work perfectly fine through the front speakers. I have tried adjusting the settings in both Crew Chief and the sound control panel, but no luck.

Reinstalling Crew Chief and resetting its configuration.
Ensuring all sound drivers are up to date.

Switching audio output between stereo and surround sound settings within Crew Chief; but nothing seems to fix the issue.

Also, I have gone through this post; https://thecrewchief.org/showthread.php?2642-no-audio-blue-prism-output-from-crewchief which definitely helped me out a lot.

Has anyone else experienced something similar? Any suggestions on what I might be missing or things I could try to get Crew Chiefs voice output back to normal?

Thanks in advance for your help and assistance.