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Thread: "Telemetry not configured"

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2024

    "Telemetry not configured"

    Hi everyone. So every time I'm starting up simhub with Rf2 selected it says "telemetry isnt configured, fix it automatically" and I press yes. The thing is I notice the crew chief is telling me incorrect info like "you're locking up your rights when I'm 100% sure I'm not? I tried the manual install like it says if I'm looking under "manual install" already and tried to delete the custom json file to generate a new one without any luck. Double checked under rfactor in options - plug-in and the 2 shared memory is both on -On? Anyone else that's experienced this problem and have a fix?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    MY DOCUMENTS\CrewChiefV4\DebugLogs
    Crew Chief - Active Profile: defaultSettings.json Version:
    Game: rFactor 2 (64 bit)
    Last TrackName: unknown
    Last car name: unknown

    Non-default Properties:
    acc_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # ACC launch exe
    acs_install_path: '' # ACS install path
    acs_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # ACS launch exe
    ams_install_path: '' # AMS install path
    ams_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # AMS launch exe
    ams2_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # AMS 2 launch exe
    asr_install_path: '' # ASR install path
    dirt_launch_exe: '' # Dirt Rally launch exe
    dirt_launch_params: '' # Dirt Rally launch params
    dirt2_launch_exe: '' # Dirt Rally 2 launch exe
    dirt2_launch_params: '' # Dirt Rally 2 launch params
    enable_console_autoscroll: False # Enable console autoscroll
    enable_simple_incident_detection_listprop: 'ALL_SESSIONS' # Enable simple incident detection
    f1_2018_launch_exe: '' # F1 2018 launch exe
    f1_2018_launch_params: '' # F1 2018 launch params
    f1_2019_launch_exe: '' # F1 2019 launch exe
    f1_2019_launch_params: '' # F1 2019 launch params
    f1_2020_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # F1 2020 launch exe
    f1_2020_launch_params: '' # F1 2020 launch params
    f1_2021_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # F1 2021 launch exe
    f1_2021_launch_params: '' # F1 2021 launch params
    frequency_of_opponent_practice_and_qual_lap_times: 5 # Frequency of opponent practice and quali lap times
    ftruck_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # FTruck launch exe
    gsc_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # GSC launch exe
    iracing_enable_auto_fuel_to_end_of_race: True # Enable iRacing auto refuelling when entering pit in race
    iracing_reputations_clubs: 'International' # Club Reputations
    limit_available_games: '' # Limit available games
    marcas_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # Marcas launch exe
    minimize_on_startup: True # Minimize on startup
    naudio_wave_in_sample_rate: 8000 # Sample rate for nAudio wave-in device
    pcars2_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Project CARS 2/pCARS2AVX.exe' # pCARS 2 launch exe
    pcars3_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Project CARS 3/pCARS3.exe' # pCARS 3 launch exe
    pcars32_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/pCars/pCARS.exe' # pCARS 32bit launch exe
    pcars64_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/steam/steamapps/common/pCars/pCARS.exe' # pCARS 64bit launch exe
    practice_and_qual_sector_reports_at_each_sector: True # Prac and qual sector reports at each sector
    r3e_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # R3E launch exe
    rf1_install_path: '' # rF1 install path
    rf1_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # rF1 launch exe
    rf2_install_path: 'D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\rFactor 2' # rF2 install path
    rf2_launch_exe: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steam.exe' # rF2 launch exe
    run_immediately: True # Run immediately
    spotter_enable_three_wide_left_and_right: False # Spotter enable three wide left and right
    time_after_race_start_for_spotter: 20 # Time after race start for spotter
    use_sweary_messages: True # Use sweary messages

    19:02:26.525 : Loading screen opened
    19:02:26.527 : BaseFolder: MY DOCUMENTS\CrewChiefV4
    19:02:26.527 : UserConfigFolder: C:\Users\Robban\AppData\Local\Britton_IT_Ltd
    19:02:26.527 : LocalApplicationDataFolder: C:\Users\Robban\AppData\Local\CrewChiefV4
    19:02:26.527 : Loaded profile 'defaultSettings'
    19:02:26.530 : Set rFactor 2 (64 bit) mode from previous launch
    19:02:26.534 : Starting app. Version:
    19:02:29.234 : Device name: Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio) Guid: {}.{00515333-2e58-4aa0-b181-83f066d86ad2} DeviceWaveId 1
    19:02:29.236 : Device name: Headset (GSA 70 Communication Audio) Guid: {}.{235b3c57-9f73-4a00-8f13-1ff0fd05ead5} DeviceWaveId 2
    19:02:29.237 : Device name: Speakers (Sonic Studio Virtual Mixer) Guid: {}.{260b63d4-8b97-48b0-b613-b10df5e19696} DeviceWaveId 3
    19:02:29.244 : Device name: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek(R) Audio) Guid: {}.{3b16284c-931e-4cf6-9b39-5191ac068c82} DeviceWaveId 4
    19:02:29.246 : Device name: Speakers (Steam Streaming Speakers) Guid: {}.{59c3fe93-cf75-4cd2-9303-f49edb99ed8b} DeviceWaveId 5
    19:02:29.247 : Device name: Speakers (Pico Streaming Speaker) Guid: {}.{5b42f32d-9d5b-4350-b961-e74e1f77b9a9} DeviceWaveId 6
    19:02:29.257 : Device name: ROG PG279Q (NVIDIA High Definition Audio) Guid: {}.{99d616a7-764d-41f9-9450-7c72bc2cc155} DeviceWaveId 0
    19:02:30.123 : Device name: Speakers (GSA 70 Main Audio) Guid: {}.{e4146243-626e-4fdf-875b-9bdb05b87e07} DeviceWaveId 7
    19:02:30.125 : Device name: Speakers (Steam Streaming Microphone) Guid: {}.{f538b87a-76ca-4a5a-bab6-aba6c912be5a} DeviceWaveId 8
    19:02:30.125 : Detected saved message audio output device: Speakers (GSA 70 Main Audio)
    19:02:30.125 : Detected saved background audio output device: Speakers (GSA 70 Main Audio)
    19:02:30.366 : nAudio output interface: WAVEOUT
    19:02:32.023 : Using sound pack version 197, driver names version 144 and personalisations version 148
    19:02:32.035 : Preparing sound effects
    19:02:32.073 : Prepare sound effects completed
    19:02:32.075 : Preparing driver names
    19:02:32.111 : Prepare driver names completed
    19:02:32.111 : Preparing driver names
    19:02:32.137 : Prepare driver names completed
    19:02:32.138 : Preparing personalisations for selected name Robin
    19:02:32.142 : Using spotter: Clare
    19:02:32.143 : Spotter Clare has oval-specific sounds - these will be used for tracks marked as 'oval'
    19:02:32.218 : Prepare personalisations completed
    19:02:32.218 : Preparing personalisations for selected name Robin
    19:02:32.220 : Prepare personalisations completed
    19:02:32.222 : Preparing voice messages
    19:02:34.558 : Prepare voice message completed
    19:02:34.558 : Preparing voice messages
    19:02:35.152 : Prepare voice message completed
    19:02:35.154 : Finished preparing sounds cache, found 10369 driver names and 3049 sound sets. Loaded 893 message sounds
    19:02:35.154 : trainee chief C:\Users\Robban\AppData\Local\CrewChiefV4\Sounds has 10358 names and 3049 sound sets.
    19:02:35.154 : 670 sounds have personalisations
    19:02:35.237 : Reading driver name mappings
    19:02:35.256 : Read 2164 driver name mappings
    19:02:35.256 : Reading driver name mappings
    19:02:35.262 : Read 425 driver name mappings
    19:02:35.262 : Reading driver name mappings
    19:02:35.269 : Read 481 driver name mappings
    19:02:35.348 : Loading controller settings
    19:02:35.348 : Load controller settings complete
    19:02:35.349 : Boot trace 4
    19:02:35.360 : Boot trace 5
    19:02:35.716 : Device Connected - Name: "FirstPerson: vJoy Device" GUID: "d5019330-b21d-11ee-8002-444553540000"
    19:02:35.721 : Device Connected - Name: "Keyboard" GUID: "6f1d2b61-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000"
    19:02:35.753 : Device Connected - Name: "Supplemental: MOZA CRP pedals" GUID: "333aba50-66b3-11ee-8001-444553540000"
    19:02:35.860 : Pausing console scrolling
    19:02:35.860 : Using game definition rFactor 2 (64 bit)
    19:02:35.941 : Cmnt: Plugin 'D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Bin64\Plugins\ChatTransceiver.dll' already present
    19:02:35.962 : Cmnt: Plugin 'D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Bin64\Plugins\rFactor2SharedMemoryMapPlugin64.dl l' already present
    19:02:36.057 : Loaded 160 default car class definitions and 0 user defined car class definitions
    19:02:36.132 : ThreadManager: Wating for root threads to start...
    19:02:36.132 : ThreadManager: Root threads started
    19:02:36.143 : Loading screen closed
    19:02:36.148 : Checking for updates
    19:02:36.164 : Listening for buttons
    19:02:36.204 : Creating buffer: $rFactor2SMMP_Telemetry$ size: 241680 bytes
    19:02:36.204 : Creating buffer: $rFactor2SMMP_Scoring$ size: 75312 bytes
    19:02:36.205 : Creating buffer: $rFactor2SMMP_Rules$ size: 45272 bytes
    19:02:36.205 : Creating buffer: $rFactor2SMMP_Extended$ size: 10152 bytes
    19:02:36.207 : Starting queue monitor
    19:02:36.208 : Monitor starting
    19:02:36.211 : Using NumberReaderEn for soundPackLanguage en
    19:02:36.681 : Playing sounds, events: COMPOUND_smoke_test_chief
    19:02:36.681 : COMPOUND_smoke_test_chief=(radio_check/test)
    19:02:37.024 : Polling for shared data every 100ms
    19:02:37.048 : Got soundpack update data from primary URL:
    19:02:37.050 : Check for updates completed
    19:02:37.608 : There are 1 more events in the queue, playing them...
    19:02:37.608 : Playing sounds, events: COMPOUND_smoke_test_spotter
    19:02:37.608 : COMPOUND_smoke_test_spotter=(radio_check_Clare/test)
    19:02:39.128 : PlaybackModerator: Closing radio channel as Spotter
    19:03:09.385 : Took 34.23s to lazy load remaining message sounds, there are now 19841 loaded message sounds

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