I just learned about this app Friday. Enjoyed the heck out of it for a day and a half. Last night I decided to change spotter to Claire. Upon doing so, the app crashed and since then I haven't been able to hear anything from CrewChief, not even a radio check. I can see in the log that it did in fact play but I'm not hearing it.
I've uninstalled the app, I've deleted 3 folders and even deleted the installer, rebooted PC, re-downloaded app, and reinstalled app 5 times now but I just can't seem to get a clean install. I know this because "sweary" is still enabled.
Elsewhere on this forum I read about the volume being at 0 in Volume Mixer. I checked that. It was at 0. But changing it to 100 did nothing.
I'd expect a clean install to fix my issue but there seems to be an elusive file somewhere.
Uninstall program via Control Panel
Manually delete Britton_IT_ltd and CrewChielfV4 folders from AppData
Manually delete CrewChiefV4 folder from Documents
Manually delete installer from Downloads
Restart PC
Download app
Install app
Download Sound Pack, Drivers names and Personalizations
Click Start Crew Chief
Hear nothing
Here I am.
Please help if you can.