The settings is not working for me.
I have it checked with voice recognition mode "Hold button" but CC only gives me an answer when i release the button.
Do i need to activate another settings somewhere to make this work?
"Block messages when talking to the Chief" is disabled so thats not it.
The console log "Invoking speech recognition..." only pops up when i release the button.
Non-default Properties:
add_additional_fuel: 0.5
always_report_time_in_hundredths: True
enable_on_hold_close_channel_beep: True
enable_pearls_of_wisdom: False
enable_vr_overlay_windows: False
minimize_to_tray: True
naudio_output_interface_listprop: 'WASAPI'
pit_box_position_countdown: True
prefer_max_consumption_in_fuel_calculations: True
run_immediately: True
show_splash_screen: False
sre_button_release_delay: 100
sre_respond_while_channel_still_open: True
time_after_race_start_for_spotter: 0
trigger_word_for_always_on_sre: 'Chief'
use_naudio_for_speech_recognition: True
use_sweary_messages: True
13:48:08.519 : Getting audio from nAudio input stream
13:48:24.572 : Invoking speech recognition...