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Thread: CrewChief becoming hard of hearing

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    CrewChief becoming hard of hearing

    I just switched from monitors and dedicated headset/mike to VR (HP Reverb G2) with it's integrated speakers & mike. I've got the engine/track sounds coming through regular speakers and VR headset for radio/spotter/CC (iracing). I'm finding CC can't hear me unless I'm either idling or I almost have to yell. I thought maybe it was the mike picking up the engine noise as ambient noise and drowning out my voice but people in voice chat say my voice is clear even when I'm on full revs. I even switched engine sounds to the headset and moved the speakers behind my ears to get them further away from the mike pickup but no dice.

    Anything anybody can suggest?


  2. #2
    there's no single answer, but by applying multiple approaches from the post below I can get good enough recognition in a loud noisy environment consisting of motion system and 8 tactile trasducers. I'd say biggest impact is from finding the microphone gain that produces the highest recognition confidence. I also found that in noisy environment, Microsoft SRE works way better compared to Windows SRE (there should be something on both options in CC help).

    That said, if you are actually blaring engine sounds out of the speakers (I tried that and that's super immersive), I suspect there's no way around that. I also made a lot of attempts of noise cancellation by applying various filters via EqualizerAPO, but any noise cancellation seems to harm the recognition because noise cancellation also takes away some speech details.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by The Iron Wolf View Post
    there's no single answer, but by applying multiple approaches from the post below I can get good enough recognition in a loud noisy environment consisting of motion system and 8 tactile trasducers.
    Thanks! I turned the engine noise way down and even moved it to the headset speakers and no diff, I’ll give that thread a try.

    A couple of YouTubers suggest that the default gain on the hp mike is set too hi so I’ll play with that too.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2020
    With no background noise in the room and mike set to 100% CC can't hear my normal speaking volume (that seems to work for humans in game chat) but as soon as I project more it has a 92% confidence.

    15:01:55.458 : Loading screen opened
    15:01:55.459 : Set iRacing mode from previous launch
    15:01:55.462 : Starting app. Version:
    15:01:55.547 : Device name: Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio) Guid: {}.{61cdb2df-8aff-45f2-a9fb-1f9aa8f9da27} DeviceWaveId 1
    15:01:55.548 : Device name: Hanns.G HH241 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio) Guid: {}.{7386c658-fcfc-490f-a30d-1d4c5a23a546} DeviceWaveId 2
    15:01:55.548 : Device name: Speakers (Realtek USB2.0 Audio) Guid: {}.{a5bb9f31-15b1-4fce-9f95-dd59f7703bda} DeviceWaveId 0
    15:01:55.548 : Unable to find saved message audio output device, using default: Speakers (Realtek USB2.0 Audio). Note: this could be caused by a driver reinstall or an OS feature update. If you keep seeing this message, re-select the desired device in the UI.
    15:01:55.548 : Unable to find saved background audio output device, using default: Speakers (Realtek USB2.0 Audio). Note: this could be caused by a driver reinstall or an OS feature update. If you keep seeing this message, re-select the desired device in the UI.
    15:01:55.660 : nAudio output interface: WAVEOUT
    15:01:55.674 : Using sound pack version 188, driver names version 140 and personalisations version 147
    15:01:55.678 : Preparing sound effects
    15:01:55.680 : Prepare sound effects completed
    15:01:55.681 : Preparing driver names
    15:01:55.708 : Prepare driver names completed
    15:01:55.708 : Preparing personalisations for selected name Arty
    15:01:55.711 : Spotter Jim (default) has oval-specific sounds - these will be used for tracks marked as 'oval'
    15:01:55.712 : Prepare personalisations completed
    15:01:55.713 : Preparing voice messages
    15:01:55.859 : Prepare voice message completed
    15:01:55.860 : Finished preparing sounds cache, found 9992 driver names and 3025 sound sets. Loaded 436 message sounds
    15:01:55.860 : 324 sounds have personalisations
    15:01:55.908 : Reading driver name mappings
    15:01:55.909 : Read 2164 driver name mappings
    15:01:55.909 : Reading driver name mappings
    15:01:55.910 : Read 422 driver name mappings
    15:01:55.936 : Loading controller settings
    15:01:55.936 : Load controller settings complete
    15:01:55.940 : got language codes data countryToUse = "", langToUse = "en" langAndCountryToUse = ""
    15:01:55.966 : Successfully initialised preferred System SRE
    15:01:55.969 : Attempting to get recogniser for en
    15:01:55.969 : Got SRE for en-US
    15:01:55.976 : Speech engine initialized successfully.
    15:01:55.989 : Attempted to initialise speech engine - success = True
    15:01:56.089 : Device Connected - Name: "Driving: Logitech G HUB G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel USB" GUID: "b8ee2080-c7e3-11ec-8002-444553540000"
    15:01:56.092 : Device Connected - Name: "Keyboard" GUID: "6f1d2b61-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000"
    15:01:56.104 : Loading screen closed
    15:01:56.109 : Checking for updates
    15:01:56.165 : Connected to holographic:WindowsHolographic
    15:01:56.251 : \\.\DISPLAY1: X = 0 Y = 0 Right = 1920 Bottom = 1080 Width = 1920 Height = 1080
    15:01:58.205 : Took 2.34s to lazy load remaining message sounds, there are now 9547 loaded message sounds
    15:01:58.205 : Skipped 101 sweary sounds
    15:02:21.324 : Got update data from primary URL:
    15:02:21.328 : Check for updates completed
    15:02:30.267 : Created SVR overlay handle for: SteamVR Overlay Settings : 0x170000000E
    15:05:39.918 : Pausing console scrolling
    15:05:39.918 : Using game definition iRacing
    15:05:39.919 : Loading user-configured command macros from Documents/CrewChiefV4/ folder
    15:05:39.931 : Loading default command macros from installation folder
    15:05:39.958 : Free text action macro, text = Sorry, my bad
    15:05:39.958 : Found FREE_TEXT for commandSet iracing version
    15:05:39.958 : Free text action macro, text = Good pass
    15:05:39.958 : Found FREE_TEXT for commandSet iracing version
    15:05:39.958 : Free text action macro, text = ;
    15:05:39.958 : Found FREE_TEXT for commandSet iRacing version
    15:05:39.993 : Loaded 142 default car class definitions and 0 user defined car class definitions
    15:05:40.015 : No user defined landmarks found
    15:05:40.018 : ThreadManager: Wating for root threads to start...
    15:05:40.018 : ThreadManager: Root threads started
    15:05:40.019 : Loading all voice command alternatives from speech_recognition_config.txt
    15:05:40.019 : Loading shared SRE commands
    15:05:40.032 : serverTransmitMaxCars = 40
    15:05:40.032 : is360HzTelemetry = False
    15:05:40.033 : Starting queue monitor
    15:05:40.035 : Monitor starting
    15:05:40.037 : Using NumberReaderEn for soundPackLanguage en
    15:05:40.045 : Loading spotter speech recognition commands
    15:05:40.046 : Loading basic circuit racing speech recognition commands
    15:05:40.053 : Loading iRacing speech recognition commands
    15:05:40.057 : Loading user-configured chart subscriptions from Documents/CrewChiefV4/ folder
    15:05:40.060 : Added 4 common subs to 37 game-specific subs
    15:05:40.060 : Polling for shared data every 16ms
    15:05:40.149 : Loaded 22 macro voice triggers into the speech recogniser
    15:05:40.149 : Listening on default audio input device
    15:05:40.149 : Listening for buttons
    15:05:40.150 : Running speech recognition in 'hold button' mode
    15:05:40.515 : Playing sounds, events: COMPOUND_smoke_test_chief
    15:05:40.515 : (radio_check/test)
    15:05:45.132 : Listening for voice command...
    15:05:45.132 : Opened channel - waiting for speech
    15:05:45.132 : Getting audio from default device
    15:05:46.434 : Invoking speech recognition...
    15:05:46.434 : Cancelling wait for speech
    15:05:48.941 : No speech input was detected
    15:05:49.403 : Playing sounds, events: acknowledge/didnt_understand
    15:05:49.403 : (acknowledge/didnt_understand)
    15:05:51.451 : Listening for voice command...
    15:05:51.451 : Opened channel - waiting for speech
    15:05:51.451 : Getting audio from default device
    15:05:52.965 : Invoking speech recognition...
    15:05:52.965 : Cancelling wait for speech
    15:05:55.475 : No speech input was detected
    15:05:55.943 : Playing sounds, events: acknowledge/didnt_understand
    15:05:55.943 : (acknowledge/didnt_understand)
    15:05:57.980 : Listening for voice command...
    15:05:57.980 : Opened channel - waiting for speech
    15:05:57.980 : Getting audio from default device
    15:05:59.496 : Invoking speech recognition...
    15:05:59.496 : Cancelling wait for speech
    15:05:59.535 : System recogniser recognised : "what time is it", Confidence = 0.923
    15:06:00.003 : Playing sounds, events: COMPOUND_current_time
    15:06:00.003 : (numbers/3, numbers/oh, numbers/5, alarm_clock/pm)

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Is there any difference in how Microsoft’s SR works between Win10 (old machine) and Win11 (new machine) that could account for a difference in CC’s ability to hear/understand?

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    I think I may have cracked it. If I turn the speak recognize confidence down to .5 (from .65) I can speak normally and get my commands picked up. The odd thing is it reports an 85-90% confidence but won’t hear me when it’s set to 65%.

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