Ok, changed the block to this:
"carClassEnum": "INDYCAR",
"raceroomClassIds": [ 5383 ],
"pCarsClassNames": [ "Indycar" ],
"rf2ClassNames": [ "IndyCar_2014_Chevrolet", "IndyCar_2014_Honda" ],
"brakeType": "Carbon",
"maxSafeWaterTemp": 105,
"maxSafeOilTemp": 140,
"maxColdBrakeTemp": 411,
"maxWarmBrakeTemp": 675,
"maxHotBrakeTemp": 1570
And now I see this:
08:05:26.676 : Purged 1 sounds, there are now 1170 active SoundPlayer objects
08:05:49.051 : Initialized rFactor 2 Shared Memory
08:05:49.058 : rFactor 2 Shared Memory version:
08:06:20.321 : No landmarks defined for this track
08:06:20.339 : New session, trigger data:
08:06:20.342 : EventIndex 1
08:06:20.344 : SessionType Practice
08:06:20.346 : SessionPhase Garage
08:06:20.347 : SessionIteration 0
08:06:20.349 : HasMandatoryPitStop False
08:06:20.350 : PitWindowStart 0
08:06:20.352 : PitWindowEnd 0
08:06:20.353 : NumCarsAtStartOfSession 1
08:06:20.354 : SessionNumberOfLaps 0
08:06:20.356 : SessionRunTime 9930
08:06:20.357 : SessionStartPosition 1
08:06:20.359 : SessionStartTime 2017-05-18 8:06:20 AM
08:06:20.360 : TrackName Indianapolis -- Oval
08:06:20.362 : Player is using car class INDYCAR at position 1
08:06:20.364 : New session
08:06:20.366 : New session details...
08:06:20.367 : SessionType Practice
08:06:20.368 : EventIndex 1
08:06:20.370 : SessionIteration 0
08:06:20.371 : TrackName Indianapolis -- Oval
08:06:20.372 : Clearing game state...
08:06:20.391 : Using unmapped driver last name ????????? for raw driver name ?????????
08:06:20.419 : ********** starting spotter***********
May I assume that:
08:06:20.362 : Player is using car class INDYCAR at position 1
is what we are looking for similar to what you describe, or should the output line be more specific?
This line:
08:06:20.391 : Using unmapped driver last name ????????? for raw driver name ?????????
was using my nickname for ?????? and not my real name. Is there a way to influence what name is identified by crewchief in this line?
The devil is always in the details?