Originally Posted by
Thanks I'll have a look in the Car Class file.
I had the scoringUpdateBoost at 0.10000 and dropped it to 0.0 and I'll see how much difference it makes.
I haven't be sim racing for a quite a few months now so it was a nice surprise to see the NEW entries in the INI file for things like dirt pickup on the tires. One thing that had me go WTF had to do with the ClipPlanes setting in the default.cam file. I had edited that setting some time ago to the suggested (0.55000, 500.000000) and when I updated CrewChief and started GTR2 half the cockpit was missing, LOL. Needless to say something was off because everything DID work when I last sat down to play. It was only going through the new INI file and seeing the 2D Flickering Fix setting that made me say "hey looks like I don't need to edit that Clipplanes line", so after setting it back to the default (0.17500, 500.000000) everything was fine. Damn fine work fellas..