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Thread: Issue connecting CrewChief to new GTR2/PnG-3.2 install

  1. #1

    Issue connecting CrewChief to new GTR2/PnG-3.2 install

    Hi there! First of all I want to say thank you for existing (and for all the incredible amount of work extant here). Have been driving for a while, but new to CrewChief (I've been enticed by the prospect of added realism to H-pattern gearboxes in GTR2, among other wonderful things :^] )

    So, I've been following the CrewChief integration/Happy Path steps laid out in the manual closely. I created a fresh copy of my Steam GTR2 install in a new location, and CrewChief integrates and works there with no issues. If I use that same base, working GTR2 install to create a Power & Glory 3.2 install (obtained from fesbierbude)
    I have so far been unable to get CrewChief to initialize and create a CrewChief.ini in the plugins folder. Is the GTR2 executable no longer supported by CrewChief once the PnG install process is conducted? Or am I just missing something?

    I have tried installing PnG using both the copy and overwrite modes of the PnG installer with no success.
    After installing PnG I follow the same process, running GTR2Config as laid out in the manual, as I did to integrate CrewChief with the GTR2 base.
    I am not attempting to launch PnG using any compatibility settings or as an administrator, and I do not make any changes to the GTR2.exe for PnG besides what the PnG installer may do on its own.
    The Power and Glory installs will launch, but shared memory is not initialized and a CrewChief.ini is not generated to the plugins folder. These things occur when launching the clean GTR2 install.

    If there are obvious troubleshooting steps I have missed,(such as where and how to gather any helpful debug text) please direct them at me with as much or as little patience as you have. Otherwise, thank you in advance for any tips or help!
    I'll include a screenshot of my GTR2 config screen, also, in case I am a doof.

    Thanks again,

    Name:  Gtr2config.jpg
Views: 3404
Size:  19.4 KB

  2. #2
    After you install PnG, simply delete all .dll and .exe files from that install, and copy over .dll/.exe files from Steam install. Then follow "Happy Path". Problem with PnG installer it puts NOCD binaries, that do not work with this plugin. Don't forget to apply 4gb patch to Steam GTR2.exe. And yes, gearbox and tire changes are amongst most important (and most difficult) changes this plugin introduces - so glad I am not the only one to utilize that Good luck!

  3. #3
    Worked like a charm! Thank you so much!
    I went out for a spin as I normally do--3rd gear disappeared into magic smoke and digital chunks of metal and the wheel almost came loose from the flat spots. I LOVE IT.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Guillermo Stromboli View Post
    Worked like a charm! Thank you so much!
    I went out for a spin as I normally do--3rd gear disappeared into magic smoke and digital chunks of metal and the wheel almost came loose from the flat spots. I LOVE IT.

    Man, yes - nothing compares to finishing race without a gear. I kill 3rd too most often too, damn 3rd gear. Well, enjoy and check out the beta - it fixes issue that pissed me off from 2014 - flickering.
    PS: don't forget to turn on dirt pickup, it messes up car balance really bad - you don't want to travel off track, just as it is IRL.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by The Iron Wolf View Post
    Man, yes - nothing compares to finishing race without a gear. I kill 3rd too most often too, damn 3rd gear. Well, enjoy and check out the beta - it fixes issue that pissed me off from 2014 - flickering.
    PS: don't forget to turn on dirt pickup, it messes up car balance really bad - you don't want to travel off track, just as it is IRL.
    Huzzah! My tires will collect all the dirt! Flickering bugs me, too, so I will def check that out!
    Thank you again!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Guillermo Stromboli View Post
    Huzzah! My tires will collect all the dirt! Flickering bugs me, too, so I will def check that out!
    Thank you again!

    Also, check out stationary FFB (I think many of those cars had no power steering at all) so:
    ffbStationaryFrictionMagnitude = 1.000000
    ffbStationaryFrictionPowerSteeringFactor = 1.000000

    And disable speed limit - there was none in 70s:
    rulesOverridePitLaneSpeedLimit = 400

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by The Iron Wolf View Post
    Also, check out stationary FFB (I think many of those cars had no power steering at all) so:
    ffbStationaryFrictionMagnitude = 1.000000
    ffbStationaryFrictionPowerSteeringFactor = 1.000000

    And disable speed limit - there was none in 70s:
    rulesOverridePitLaneSpeedLimit = 400
    Such attention to realism brings tears to my eyes so exciting! Like being a kid at the holidays again!

  8. #8
    yes - motorsport rules, realism are at the heart of this plugin. Of course it is just simple tweaks, but I think they add quite a bit to the fantastic game GTR2 already is. I am especially happy how sequential gearbox stuff turned out, if you ever race those 2003/2004 GT cars check those settings out - those cars did not have electronic lift aid on shift, so you had to lift foot off throttle especially on downshift.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Hi there

    First of all, I would like to express my gratitude that such a mod exists at all and that you can still play the old classics.

    Now to my request. I play in VR. I was also able to successfully start GTR 2 (including the Crew Chief mod) in VR.

    Now I have installed the Power & Glory mod and set everything up as described. However, when I start the game, the error message "Failed to initialize SteamVR runtime. Error 300" appears.

    Does anyone know what the problem is?

    PS: If I start the game without VR, everything runs without problems.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Trombley View Post
    Hi there

    First of all, I would like to express my gratitude that such a mod exists at all and that you can still play the old classics.

    Now to my request. I play in VR. I was also able to successfully start GTR 2 (including the Crew Chief mod) in VR.

    Now I have installed the Power & Glory mod and set everything up as described. However, when I start the game, the error message "Failed to initialize SteamVR runtime. Error 300" appears.

    Does anyone know what the problem is?

    PS: If I start the game without VR, everything runs without problems.
    Hello, unfortunately the only thing I can think of is:

    * make sure all the .dll/.exe files are Steam ones
    * make sure all of the CC plugin files are installed. Did you miss openvr.dll?

    GTR2 itself runs fine in VR, right? This means you are very close, just make sure all files are in place. Cheers!

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