The Caretaker
Crew Chief GTR2 Enhancements Plugin Setup Instructions, Known Issues and Changelog
The Manual: https://thecrewchief.org/downloads/gtr2/GTR2_CC_EP.pdf It is updated often to match the new/changed features, so I suggest simply bookmarking it for viewing in the browser. You can see the changelog at the end of the Manual if you want to see what’s changed.
Plugin itself is included with the Crew Chief application.
If you'd like to help testing pre-release plugin Beta versions, or have questions about updating your content, please PM me on CC Discord or join this dedicated server: https://discord.gg/zSdSwqHvx9 .
This plugin development is focused on offline, however it can be used online as well.
Plugin only works with Steam version of GTR2.exe. Steam GTR2 does not need 1.1 patch or NOCD, Steam version is already the latest GTR2 version available.
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Current Plugin Features
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Core Features:
* Deep Crew Chief integration with all the offline racing features implemented
* Native VR Support (SteamVR and OpenXR) with VR depth available for full effect support in ReShade
* Memory usage optimizations - up to 40% memory usage reduction
* Texture flicker/Z-Fighting fixed
* Experimental offline decoupled physics and inputs processing that makes FFB/physics/telemetry less dependent on the FPS
* rFactor Real Feel Plugin support
* Extra gear rations for more accurate simulation of newer series and road cars
* DTM 2018/F1 2011/F1 2013 Rules (player only) with physics based DRS
* Option to disable automatic speed limiter engagement on pit lane entry/exit
* Option to enable pit lane speed limit detection in all sessions (not only the Race session)
* Option to activate speed limiter in the garage stall
* Option to override pit lane speed limit (km/h)
* Option to issue a penalty for exiting the pits before exit light goes green
* Option to not allow the game to automatically start the engine on exiting the garage
* Option to require headlights while driving in the dark
* Stationary Friction effect
* Fix for the lost FFB effects
* Flat Spots
* Dirt Pickup
* Extra gear rations for more accurate simulation of newer series and road cars
* Sequential: overrev protection
* Sequential: require vehicle to stop to go Neutral
* Sequential: doubleshift protection
* Sequential: Lift to Shift
* Sequential: Antistall
* H-Shifted manual with Damage
* Advanced flicker fix
* Borderless window mode
* UI squeeze for triples and ultra wide monitors
* Button controllable wiper animation
* Screen dirt buildup cleaning
* Enable Backfire effect on all cars
* Improved rain reflection quality
* Additional Video settings for better performance
Motec Changes:
* Enhanced Motec:
• Per-wheel lockup/spin warning indicator
• Water temperature indicator
• Oil temperature indicator
• ABS aid level indicator
• Traction Control aid level indicator
• DRS state LED
• Antistall LED
• RPM Indicator
* Additional Data pages:
• Tire Wear page
• Tire Pressure page
• Multi-class aware position Info page
• Multi-class aware gap behind/ahead page
• Personal Best/Class Best Delta page
Visual Tires:
Up to seven separate visual tire per compound
Custom DXVK Fork with full VR Integration
Memory Usage Optimizations:
* Race Time memory usage improvements (DXVK and DX9)
* Overall memory usage improvements (DXVK only)
Misc Fixes:
* Multiple crash fixes
* Reduce headlight/shadow flicker introduced in Steam GTR2.exe
* Fix missing rF1 Plugin API telemetry data
* Enable Championship/Driving School page icons
* Disable use of MyDocuments for profile storage
* Applies changeable weather patch by Jstn
* Add new control bindings under Controls->Extra (scroll all the way down to see the new bindings)
* Set CPU Affinity from the CC Plugin
* Synchronize Steering Wheel Animation to a Physical Wheel Rotation
* VR Lens Flare Effect adjustment
* Motion System Mode
* Ability to disable crash dump collection
* Ability to adjust Window Mixer master volume
Support for CC plugin configuration per mod:
Per-Car settings file (.cchdc)
Per-Track settings file (.ccgdb)
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Q: Will Plugin work with CD/NOCD/Warez GTR2?
A: No. Steam GTR2 is the newest GTR2 available and there will be no work done to enable it on other .exe's
Q: Feature X does not work
A: This Plugin is focused on offline use, some features may not work online.
Q: Will you port to related games?
A: No, this Plugin is GTR2 only. There will be no ports.
Q: Will XD work with this Plugin?
A: No, but there's SimHub alternative: https://www.racedepartment.com/downl...verlays.47212/
Q: I get message box "Failed to load d3d9 proxy", what to do?
1) Make sure you installed all Plugin files.
2) Make sure your AV software does not block Plugin files.
Q: I'd like...
A: I do not take feature requests, Plugin is provided AS IS - I simply share what I use myself. I am however interested in adding features that will make Your mod more true to life, so if you are a modder, and you wish GTR2 did something but it does not, feel free to reach out.
Q: I do not get any response on Forum/Discord.
A: That's likely because your question is answered in the Plugin Manual.
Crew Chief Mega Corp CEO
Just to add my thanks and appreciation for this, working with you guys makes me feel like a total fraud as I sit back and watch you create stuff that, to me at least, is entirely indistinguishable from magic 
Can I also add that I get a much better VR experience in GTR2 if I set "world movement" to 0 in-game (this is with a Valve Index)
The Caretaker
Update: CC
Plugin now generates CrewChief.ini if one doesn't exist. Also, plugin will add new options/remove deprecated ones automatically.
The Caretaker
Update: CC
Important: for VR use, make sure to update both CrewChief.dll and d3d9.dll.
* Fixed rain reflections. Note: rain reflections rendering is not perfect, mostly due to the fact that they were not meant for VR resolutions and aspect ratios. If you find imperfections distracting, use "disableVRRainReflections" to turn rain reflections off.
* Fix textures missing under some external camera situations.
* Fix sky rendering corruption on some tracks around ~7pm.
* Improve tracking and stereo projection rendering.
* Fix driving school UI messages. This also allows using HUD in VR. See "VR Configuration" for UI configuration parameters.
* Improve Oculus HMD rendering.
Special thanks go to:
* Sparten for contributing his tracking/stereo math improvements and HUD rendering method from AMS.
* mr_belowski - finding and fixing bug that caused wrong rendering on Oculus HMDs.
* GTR233 for his hard work fixing driver hands disappearing in HQ content. Thanks to his support we can all enjoy Driving School in VR.
* Seven Smiles - a lot of testing.
The Caretaker
Update: CC
Important: for VR use or if you want to utilize MyDocuments disabling feature, make sure to update both CrewChief.dll and d3d9.dll.
* Improve rolling start position messages.
* Improve Championship lap vs time race detection.
* Improve VR rendering loop. Improved performance and fixed shutdown crashes.
* Add feature to allow lens flare position adjustments (lensHOffsetPercentage setting).
Game fixes:
* Add feature to allow steering wheel animation scaling (scaleDriverAnimationToPhysicalDegrees setting).
* Implement random weather patch (applyChangeableWeatherPatch setting).
* Add feature to disable writing to Documents (disableMyDocumentsProfile setting).
See "Additional Features" section in the main post for a more detailed explanations of the new features.
The Caretaker
Update: CC
Both d3d9.dll (if you'd like to use VR video mode enumeration) and CrewChief.dll need updating.
* Improve mouse scaling and use GTR2 mouse icons in VR
* Fix a bug where changeable weather patch won't get applied unless VR is enabled.
Speed limiter behavior tweaks:
; Disable automatic speed limiter engagement on pit lane entry/exit.
rulesDisableAutomaticSpeedLimiter = 1
; Enable pit lane speed limit detection in all sessions (not only the Race session).
; To serve penalty in non-race session, return to the pits.
rulesEnablePitLaneSpeedLimitInAllSessions = 1
; Activate speed limiter in the garage stall. Only applies to vehicles with limiter available
; and tracks with speed limit below 200km/h.
rulesActivateSpeedLimiterOnGarageExit = 1
Note: currently, speed limit penalty is not enforced in non-race session (ie you won't get disqualified BUT Chief will keep nagging you). But I'll revisit that some day to make sure event gets ruined if autosport rules are ignored.
* Add "enableDetailsPageIcons" setting which enables Championship and Driving School details page logos.
* Add "useVRVideoModeEnumerationFor2DRendering" setting which eliminates the need to re-run GTR2Config.exe on enabling/disabling of VR. This setting may also be useful in fixing GTR2 startup crashes in Desktop mode. Requires CC d3d9.dll present.
The Caretaker
Update: CC
Crew Chief:
* Implement the Safety Car phase.
* Improve Rolling start column detection (Thanks to Bjarne Hansen for the idea and testing here).
* Further improve lens flare rendering.
* Mouse rendering tweak.
* New penalty for exiting pits on Red.
* Penalties in non-race sessions are now enforced, player will be DQ for ignoring them.
* New option "rulesOverridePitLaneSpeedLimit" to override the pit lane speed limit. Useful for simulating pre-1994 events from when there was no speed limit in pits.
* Relax the speed limiter detection logic to include more cars.
For the best lens flare experience, you may want to use custom sun flare texture. See "VR Lens flare effect adjustment" section in the main post for customized textures for Pimax and Index headsets.
The Caretaker
Update: CC
Crew Chief/Additional Features:
* Add setting "enableMissingTelemetryFix" to expose more telemetry. When enabled, CC will become aware of the tire wear.
* Implement stationary friction FFB effect.
* Implement a switch to prevent game from resetting FFB on session transition.
* Add "rulesDisableAutomaticEngineStartInGarage" setting to prevent game from autostarting the engine in the garage.
Main post updated with details.
The Caretaker
Update: CC
* Simple flat spot emulation. See "Tire Changes" section in the main post.
Crew Chief:
* Integrate flat spot messages.
* Improve tire wear logic.
* Improve wheel lockup detection.
Additional features:
* Add motion system mode.
* Fix bug where sometimes "exit on red" penalty cannot be served.
Minor perf improvement.
Special thanks to:
* mr_belowski - Crew Chief flat spot messages.
* Yuca - key idea behind flat spots that greatly simplified the code, encouraging me to go through physics, not fake FFB/telemetry, testing and a lot of interesting and productive discussions.
* Sparten - hinted an idea to exaggerate secondary lockups.
* Yoss - tire behavior info
* Wotever - info on ShakeIt and general discussions about flat spot emulation
The Caretaker
Update: CC
Both d3d9.dll and CrewChief.dll need updating.
Crew Chief:
* Fix rolling start timed session time remaining calculation.
* Suppress messages on return to garage from the pause menu.
* Implement rain wipers. Requires content authored in a special way, see the main post for details. Next HQ Anniversary patch v15.3+ will contain compatible wipers.
* Introduce enableKnownCrashesFix setting which enables fixes for known game crashes.
* Multiple bug fixes.
Special Thanks to:
* GTR233 for coming up with an idea of animating wipers by using textures and creating such textures.
* Yuca for testing and performance testing of the wiper stuff.
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