Just disabling "Pause co-driver after a slow corner" property would revert back to the old timings for me right? Using the beta version.
Crew Chief Mega Corp CEO
Hi All, Just downloaded CC and can't wait to give it a try. In the videos I've seen it looks absolutely what I have been looking for since starting rally games.
One thing I am trying to figure out though is how to create my own sound files as there are details in the default notes that are missing for my system. Or can I just request a list of terms to be included and wait?
Crew Chief Mega Corp CEO
if there are note items you need, give me a shout and i'll do the recordings. As each note item needs to be added to the speech recogniser, there's a balance to be struck between a rich range of note types and putting too much pressure on the recogniser (more possibilities means less accuracy). But it there's stuff we clearly need, i'll add it
So far I have made notes to a couple of stages and so far I miss "very long" and "go straight"
Very long needs no explanation and "go straight" I needed it for a stage that started with a straight and I want:
go straight
hairpin left
AH, Great, at least I haven't missed something. Just went through the list of notes and I have to admit there are more there than I realised at first glance. But here are the notes I am missing from my RL system.
Corners : This one isn't necessary but it would be good.
Open Hairpin
Corner Modifiers : These ones are extremely necessary for me
Plus - (1 right plus = Driven on throttle)
Minus - (1 Right Minus = Driven off Throttle)
And/On - (1 right on Crest = Corner happens at the same time as crest)
Into - (I know you have this set to some CrewChief wizardry and great work, but I really think it should be my call when it's put in not the co-drivers)
Then - (Crest Then 1 Right = Corner isn't straight after the crest but you need to position the car accordingly)
Also, Can you explain how to turn off the distance calls, I've never needed them and they are simply a distraction to me.
ok, thats all
Crew Chief Mega Corp CEO
"go straight" - can be added, this will also be useful for junction calls ("past junction, go straight")
"very long" - can be added
"open hairpin" - can be added
The minus / plus additional corner modifiers, i'll have to think about it. The issue is how they'd be stacked up with other modifiers.
"And / On" - hmm, is "right 3 over crest" unclear?
Changing the "into" behaviour might be possible. There's a 'Link codriver calls closer than this (metres)' property - if this is zero then CC won't do its own 'into' calls. But a code change would be needed to allow 'into' to be added manually.
Adding "then" would also need a code change.
Distance calls can be manually removed from the pacenotes json, there's currently no way to tune or disable them but that would be simple enough to add with a property to tune this behaviour and disable it.
While all the above sounds straightforward (and is, as far as the code is concerned) I think some of it could have a major impact on the performance of the speech recogniser, which would have to listen for a lot more combinations of words to include the 'into' / 'plus' / 'minus' / 'and' / 'on' and 'then'.
Crew Chief Mega Corp CEO
next release will have "open hairpin" corner and "go straight" as well as "very long" / "plus" / "minus" modifiers.
I've also made the auto-distance call configurable - this is the min-distance-to-next-pacenote before an auto generated distance call is inserted. The default is 40 metres, so if the next corner or obstacle call is 40 or more metres away the app may insert a distance pace note. If you want to disable the distance calls entirely then you can just set this to a very large number.
Not sure when the next release will be - I need to do some additional recordings and some testing (which also includes testing the dynamic look ahead changes to reduce call stacking after a very slow corner). The rest of the CC team are also very busy cooking up some new awesome so we might be delayed by that. I'll probably put out a beta version with these changes soon
Thank you Mr belowski, the plus/minus thing will help me greatly and I look forward to trying it out. I have no idea what a voice recognition system can cope with, take your time and get it right, we can wait
Now, this part is just me explaining myself not expecting you to make changes (but if you can make it work then YAY) and I am not being aggressive, please don't take it as abuse lol.
If the "over crest" call is right for you (and I guess many others) then that's great and I'll have to get used to it. However, I had this discussion with my real life co-driver 20 years ago and I convinced him to go with "and". If you say the house is over the river do you mean it is on the water or on the other side of the river? To me "3 right over crest" is the same as saying "crest into 3 right". And the order of the call can be "crest and 3 right" or "3 right and crest", it depends on what the driver sees first, the crest or the corner. It is a matter of keeping the flow of the notes the same as the flow of the road.
Ok, off my soapbox now lol.
Hi again!
I've been running quite a few rallies with the beta version you uploaded, and on some stages it seems like certain notes and parts of the calls are missing. I will have to some more investigation but could this be because of the beta version?
Also when is the note placed? Is it the second I start speaking or is it when I finished my sentence? I have had occasions when some notes are placed 100-200m later then. For example I try to start my sentence in the apex or slightly before the apex of the corner(for hairpins I say it even before the corner to make sure it's early), but sometimes I've had the note placed 100m further down the road after the corner.
With the addtional pacenotes call, I agree that most of the modifiers that Rick Bamford mention are great to have! About the over/and discussion I have always used over or occasionally past.
For example "Right 5 over jump into left 3 past house" would mean that the right 5 starts and goes over a crest and then continues after the crest and then goes into a left 3 that is around a house for example. The past part is not very necessary for these kind of notes since I try to use them as a way of making sure we are in the right part of the notes. And also it sounds much better in Swedish then in English(I only use Swedish pacenotes irl).
Another pacenote that possibly could be used is "kinks" which just means that there are tons of very small corners that mostly can just be straightlined. This will also help with removing some work for the CC app, since I don't have to add all these 6 rights/lefts and he can focus on the tighter calls.
I was looking around the properties and the Default look ahead for codriver calls is set to 4 as default, and the rushed version is set to 2. Is this not suppose to be the opposite or have I missunderstood?
Say we are going at extremely high speeds and I need corners very fast, then I would need the corners much earlier than I would if we are doing hairpin after hairpins? So if I use the rushed codriver he will only say the note when it's 2 seconds ahead which means I only got 2s to react when I'm doing very fast speeds, while with the relaxed codriver I have 4 seconds after doing a hairpin?
I am probably incorrect about this part so please let me know how the parameters work.
EDIT: I noticed you already added the plus and many of the other modifiers while I was writing this post, great update I'll give it a try tonight!
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