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Thread: pit menu manager

  1. #51

    Dev Team Member

    Seven Smiles's Avatar
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    Thanks, I'll add those.

    You can set up profiles for each wheel and start up CC with the appropriate one:

    I never finished tyre pressure handling, it can be done but as I've never changed them at a pit stop there wasn't much incentive.

  2. #52
    Junior Member
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    Thanks man!
    Oh, the pressures can be done? With voice? Like "increase fronts +1", "decrease rears -1" etc? I would so love it.
    I unfortunately have to change them if I want to fulfil my obsession: weather conditions changing during the session.

  3. #53

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    Beta version for you to try that should fix the tyre compound menu
    I think it will tell you to uninstall your existing CC but that doesn't (shouldn't!) affect your CC settings.

    I was only going to copy the iRacing tyre pressure commands so to increase tyre pressures you'd have to give the Display pit menu command, read the existing pressure then say Pitstop, change front tyre pressures [ new value ]

  4. #54
    Junior Member
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    Thanks! It actually wiped my CC, but kept profiles intact so it is easy to set it again.
    This is interesting though> version

  5. #55

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    I did that to indicate that it's a beta

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seven Smiles View Post
    I did that to indicate that it's a beta
    OK, it works like charm, thanks a lot. I suppose I can keep adding these exotic tyres myself into the file when I meet them next time .

    Now I have to figure out these tyre pressures.

  7. #57

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    That's good news - I'll put it in the next release.

    When I said tyre pressures can be done I meant the code can be written to do it. It's not there for rFactor yet.

  8. #58
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    I was trying to make my own macros with OCR-Image recognitions for fueling,tire change
    I’ve managed to make the fueling for no fuel + x fuel amount and then before i finish everything I’ve jumped to the next thing and much harder tire change.

    Tire change is(was) for me much harder since you have no start-end as you have with fueling ,that’s why i start playing with ocr-image detection .
    3-4 days later i realize you have ALREADY figure that out and tires works FLAWLESS(i only test them 50-100 times not while racing but everything worked as it should)


    Then i jumped to my next crucial point!
    Damage repair.
    You have two macros “clear fast repair” and “fast repair” which i believe these two are the critical since the repair all while racing it’s bad option.
    These two DONT WORK so i kept digging..

    I jumped on your json speech recognition and ive found that you have more options that are able to be added manually
    Figure out how this works add the codes of my device (guid) and create the 3 extra you have



    I bind 3 different keys(1 for each) and i jumped to RF2
    Fix all DONE is working great
    Fix body DONE working great
    Fix NONE: NOT WORKING!(that was the one i wanted to work more ??

    I have tried make “false” the smart pit crew besides i never thought that this is/was the solution since I was able to change it manually to NO FIX

    So after ALL THAT SAID and the unlimited gratitude I’m having for you doing this on a FREE software that you have provide in thousands-millions sim racers i have some questions-wishes

    1.Can you PLEASE make the NO REPAIR work?
    2.Can you add a variable-macro so we can add some presets of setting fuel?(at this point i believe it’s the easiest you can do)
    Idea1: 1 that we can set let’s say at 5L and each time key is pressing add +5,+5 etc.
    Idea2:Setting up any given number on settings so the user can be able to set presets fuel 10Liters,25L,50L etc etc

    3.note!!! You can add 1more key at the beginning of each code so no matter if we are at pit menu or / tires or wherever , by the time we hit the button(or voice) the system will
    Trigger the Pit menu button which already exists in game key binds and all the system will go to pit menu doing whatever we asked for.

    The day after i was trying to add fuel though your macros,which there is "manual fuel" i didnt completely understand how this works but i manage to do it manually by adding X times od my increment button so my htinking was by the time i press CLEAR fuel then i will just hit the macro of X amount button press and i will have 10,20,30,50 any liters i want.
    This worked BUT what is damaged now and i cant fix no matter what??
    CLEAR FUEL. Now no mateer which key i bind with that preset(clear fuel) the only thing that this does is scanning(as it should) and then go to fuel and just ADD ME 7 liters(no more or less).So instead of clearing the fuel i end up putting 7 more liters.
    I had a copy of the Crewchief jsut by copying the :C /Program files/CrewChiefV4 but this is not enough since besides i have copy paste my "backup" nothing is changing.

    PLEASE help me out with anything you can or even better with all of them.

    THANKS you for your time reading this
    And THANK YOU 100times for everything you did so far and keep doing!

    PS:I have already donate 2-3days ago and I will again because you deserve this!


  9. #59

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    Making your own macros with OCR-Image recognition is doing it the hard way! Though it might be the only method for other games that do need have an API to feed back the pit menu state.

    I added
    PIT_STOP_FIX_NONE into the spreadsheet that drives the code generator for pit management and it will be in the next release.

    PIT_STOP_FIX_NONE missing (#514) · Issues · Jim Britton / CrewChiefV4 · GitLab

    I think your second idea is already covered by the Add "X" litres and Fill to "X" litres commands?

  10. #60
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seven Smiles View Post
    Making your own macros with OCR-Image recognition is doing it the hard way! Though it might be the only method for other games that do need have an API to feed back the pit menu state.

    I added
    PIT_STOP_FIX_NONE into the spreadsheet that drives the code generator for pit management and it will be in the next release.

    I think your second idea is already covered by the Add "X" litres and Fill to "X" litres commands?
    Clearly i have 10% of your knowledge and that was the way i only thought-saw as a way especially when i thought you havent done it.That made me think that it has to be the hard way

    Thank you for fixing the No repair since you already assigned it ,on the next release but i will need some more help to clear the view..

    1.Can you provide me more help step by step of how i have to do the ADD X liters etc?Please be more precise :/

    2.Would it be possible before any of the Pit manager assignment we be able to assign a key on rfactor (PIT DISPLAY= X key) so no matter if we are on any hud position by the time we ask for lets say Medium tires,the "X" key will be presed so pit menu will be displayed and Medium tires will proceed.

    3.Can you help me out fixing your NO fuel since whenever i press NO fuel instead of CLEARING the fuel it adds 7liters?
    It is really strange ad all this started by trying to mess with macros-manual fuel.HOWEVER i have load DEFAULTS and NOT EVEN ONE macro looks to be enabled-assigned.

    Thanks again

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