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Thread: rf2 setup help

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2020

    Question rf2 setup help

    Hi all,

    I have searched and read what I think is every rf2+CC troubleshoot thread on the internet but have not found a resolution to my specific problem. Hoping I can find some help here!

    I attempted to do the 'automatic' install, and the rFactor2SharedMemoryMapPlugin64.dll does appear in the ...Bin64\Plugins folder.

    Within rf2 Options I can see the 'sharedmemorymap' plugin, but it is always 'Off'. Even if I set it to 'On', it reverts itself to 'Off' after restarting rf2. When digging through the files on my PC for the 'CustomPluginVariables.JSON' file that I have read about, it seems that there no instance of it in my ...\userdata\player\ folder.

    I'm presuming the never-ending reset of the Plugin is happening due to the lack of this file...any idea why it's missing, and what I can do to fix it?

  2. #2

    Do you run any other tools with rF2? I wonder if some other tool/app/plugin is interfering with CC.

    Anyway, the first step in diagnosing this is to not use CC, just copy the plugin manually, start rf2, exit rf2. Do you see"Steam\SteamApps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\player\CustomPluginVariables.JSON" file? What are the contents?

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    No, aside from CC no other tools are running in the background.

    I have tried copying in the plugin and doing the 'manual install' steps, with every combination of starts & exits.

    I have done an rF2 reinstall & CC reinstall, no dice.

    I do not see the "Steam\SteamApps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\player\CustomPluginVariables.JSON"'s non-existant!!!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by rustymoto View Post
    No, aside from CC no other tools are running in the background.

    I have tried copying in the plugin and doing the 'manual install' steps, with every combination of starts & exits.

    I have done an rF2 reinstall & CC reinstall, no dice.

    I do not see the "Steam\SteamApps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\player\CustomPluginVariables.JSON"'s non-existant!!!
    Unfortunately for that you have to reach out to S397 as this doesn't sound like something related to my plugin nor to CC. Rf2 comes with a few stock plugins, and if that flle is missing there's something severely wrong with the game installation.

    This is not 32bit os or 32bit rf2?

  5. #5

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    Seven Smiles's Avatar
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    In a clean install I have
    ....Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Bin64\Plugins\KnockoutQualifying.dll
    ....Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Bin64\Plugins\StockCarRules.dll
    ....Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Bin64\Plugins\TrackIR_rF2_Plugin.dll
    ....Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\Player\CustomPluginVariables.JSON
    If you don't have those then I'm pretty sure rFactor hasn't run. You say you have run it so I think you're looking in the wrong place for these files.

  6. #6
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    Thanks Iron Wolf, I've cross-posted on S397...

    @Seven Smiles, pretty sure I'm looking in the right spots???? Here are some screencaps. As you can see, the 'sharedmemorymap' plugin is in the right spot, yet I only have the Controller, Multiplayer, and player .JSONs.

    Attachment 328

    Attachment 329

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Someone on the S397 forums posted a 'template' for the CustomPluginVariables.JSON so I was able to copy/paste it into the \userData\Player folder and it now works! I just manually manipulated it to match a bare-bones rF2 install (with the 3 default plugins), plus the entry for the sharedmemorymap plugin.

    I also noticed that CrewChief updated itself to today and it involved a new 'rFactor2sharedmemorymap64.dll', but as Iron Wolf mentioned it was the lack of the .JSON file that was screwy.

    FYI this was all on 64bit OS and 64bit game. I did the 'verify game files' through Steam and it was successful. All very strange, but manually putting the file in the folder seems to have resolved it. The in-game UI to toggle plugins is still useless, but that issue seems to be prevalent for others, too. So, SNAFU.

  8. #8
    I just spoke to SimHub developer and he told me more and more people report issues around CustomPluginVariables.json not created and/or not updated. I tested v1117 and v1121 locally it worked for me, but clearly something has regressed in the game. Wotever posted this workaround template:

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Thanks Christmas, it worked... And, its not that Im lazy its just that Im a noob : Tried for several hours, lol... But I found out that it wasnt me screwing up it was my PC. Er, at least the virus on my PC.. Thanks

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