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Thread: CC not receiving data from R3E

  1. #1

    CC not receiving data from R3E

    I got a issue too, CC once started does not get data from R3E.
    Here the part of the log when starting CC and when i close it :

    Using game definition Race Room
    17:29:05.722 : Loading user-configured command macros from Documents/CrewChiefV4/ folder
    17:29:05.741 : Free text action macro, text = "Sorry, my bad" key presses to send = KEY_S, KEY_O, KEY_R, KEY_R, KEY_Y, OEM_COMMA, SPACE_BAR, KEY_M, KEY_Y, SPACE_BAR, KEY_B, KEY_A, KEY_D
    17:29:05.741 : Free text action macro, text = "good pass" key presses to send = KEY_G, KEY_O, KEY_O, KEY_D, SPACE_BAR, KEY_P, KEY_A, KEY_S, KEY_S
    17:29:05.791 : Loaded 98 default car class definitions and 0 user defined car class definitions
    17:29:05.828 : No user defined landmarks found
    17:29:05.829 : Listening for buttons
    17:29:05.832 : ThreadManager: Wating for root threads to start...
    17:29:05.832 : ThreadManager: Root threads started
    17:29:05.851 : Starting queue monitor
    17:29:05.853 : Monitor starting
    17:29:06.259 : Playing sounds, events: COMPOUND_smoke_test_chief
    17:29:06.259 : (radio_check/test)
    17:29:06.663 : Polling for shared data every 100ms
    17:29:06.666 : Initialising...
    17:29:06.668 : Initialised raceroom shared memory
    17:29:07.171 : There are 1 more events in the queue, playing them...
    17:29:07.171 : Playing sounds, events: COMPOUND_smoke_test_spotter
    17:29:07.171 : (radio_check_Clare/test)
    17:29:07.171 : PlaybackModerator: Injecting: end_bleep and alternate_short_start_bleep messages. Spotter interrupted Chief.
    17:29:09.213 : PlaybackModerator: Closing radio channel as Spotter
    17:45:55.925 : Resuming console scrolling
    17:45:55.925 : Application stopped
    17:45:55.925 : ThreadManager: Wating for Root threads to stop...
    17:45:55.945 : Stopping queue monitor
    17:45:55.945 : Waiting for queue monitor to stop...
    17:45:55.945 : Monitor queue stopped
    17:45:56.125 : ThreadManager: Root threads stopped
    17:45:56.125 : ThreadManager: Wating for Temporary threads to stop...
    17:45:56.125 : ThreadManager: Temporary threads stopped

    seems its only me as i didnt see same issue from others.

  2. #2
    Anybody from CC Team around?

  3. #3


    Sorry guys, i forced update ( and CC works great !
    my bad...forgot i skiped last update

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