if it's causing problems, you can edit the carClassData.json in your app's installation folder (or copy this file and put it in Documents/CrewChiefV4). And edit this bit:
"carClassEnum": "GT3",
"raceroomClassIds": [1703, 2922, 3375, 4516, 7278],
"pCarsClassNames": ["GT3"],
"rf2ClassNames": ["*GT3*"],
"acClassNames": ["ks_audi_r8_lms", "*GT3*"],
"iracingCarIds": [43, 55, 59, 72, 73, 94],
"timesInHundredths": true,
"enabledMessageTypes": "ALL",
"maxSafeOilTemp": 135,
"allMembersAreRWD": true
to add the 7278 number to the list of raceroomClassIds for GT3 cars