Yes, this is the log. I saw it, I think it came after the second "Headlights Are Now Required". Because "message was already processed" Crew Chief doesn't repeat that message and it ignores "Turn On Headlights: JOY1 B18" so there is only one warning. rF2 warns 5 times altogether but [edit: yes you can] in VR you can't see the chat box that has the warnings so I am relying on Crew Chief.
18:24:10.573 : MC Message: processed - "Headlights Are Now Required"
18:24:10.966 : Playing sounds, events: penalties/warning_headlights_required
18:24:10.966 : (penalties/warning_headlights_required)
18:24:13.645 : MC Message: ignored - "Turn On Headlights: JOY1 B18"
18:24:16.915 : Fuel use per minute (basic calc) = 0.924 fuel(liters) left = 72.101
18:24:20.789 : Playing sounds, events: COMPOUND_sectorFlagChange_Sector2
18:24:20.789 : (flags/yellow_flag)
18:24:28.570 : MC Message: ignored - "Turn On Headlights: JOY1 B18"
18:24:29.984 : Playing sounds, events: COMPOUND_localFlagChange_clear
18:24:29.984 : (flags/green_flag_sector_2)
18:24:35.615 : MC Messages: message was already processed - "Headlights Are Now Required" Elapsed seconds: 25.04
18:24:36.637 : Leader fast lap - this lap time = 99.65205 session best = 99.65205
18:24:36.637 : Using hundredths for laptime of 01:39:652
18:24:37.032 : Playing sounds, events: COMPOUND_leader_good_laptime
18:24:37.032 : (opponents/the_leader_has_just_done_a, insert_pause:50, numbers/1_39, numbers/point65)
18:24:50.226 : MC Message: processed - "Disqualified: Driving In Dark Without Headlights"
18:24:50.619 : Playing sounds, events: penalties/disqualified_driving_without_headlights
18:24:50.619 : (penalties/disqualified_driving_without_headlights)
18:24:53.420 : Playing sounds, events: flags/black_flag
18:24:53.420 : (flags/black_flag)
(In my Rift VR the view is much brighter, coupled with Daylight Running Lights on the LMP2 car I was driving meant I didn't know I didn't have my headlights on.)