- Hotfix to use file
instead of fuel_and_laps.json
which has bad old data.
- Also some changes in fuel reporting.
- Layout tweaks to make dropdowns look nicer.
- Hotfix to show sound pack updates.
- Main window layout revised
- Crew Chief is now resizable (though a bit clunky).
- The change is mostly to make it easier to program.
- Problems? menu added to make it easier to provide log or trace files.
- Save console text as... added so the log file name can be edited.
- Extra logging of LMU plugin install.
- Check that MSVCR120.DLL required by the plugin is installed.
- Add Property: Audio ducking while talking to Crew Chief to reduce the game volume while talking to Crew Chief which may improve voice recognition.
- Fuel multiplier (for games that have it): set automatically if the game provides it, otherwise enter it manually.
- Fixes
- Opponent behind pitting was announced as opponent in front. For the last 5 years!
- Add missing button commands for fuel strategy
- Changing the fuel strategy has a response
- Dynamic fuel strategy also moves the percentile
- Canonised the new fuel lap estimator
- Fix for the fuel status button
- Various bugfixes and improvements for the new fuel calculator, including a new setting for extra laps in endurance races
- Various bugfixes to reduce chatter in endurance races
Version Christmas special
- Fuel and lap improvements
- Restore fuel reports in minutes which were lost in a previous change.
- New fuel estimation algorithm if Experimental Fuel Lap Estimation is checked.
- Better fuel messaging halfway through the race.
- Don't give yellow flag warnings for cars who've finished.
- Allow trace files to be renamed.
Hotfix for Version
- Fixes
- EXCEPTION: Path '' is not valid crash (Issue #523)
- RF2/LMU "new car ahead" spam (Issue #524)
- iRacing
- Jerry is now a fully trained crew chief. Please make sure your
sound packs are up to date and give him a trial, especially when racing
American series.
- Enhanced Fuel is now the default fuel calculator, be sure
to check out the parameters you can tweak based on your risk tolerance
(by default they are very conservative). Those who practice before their
first race, and record pit benchmarks, will gain a competitive
advantage as data is saved between sessions. Caveat: using any kind of
active reset can result in bad data being saved to disc.
- Add "Trace on race sessions" Property. (Issue #508)
- Add command macro to run a DOS command. (Issue #512)
- Fixes
- ERROR: Unable to find saved message audio output device, using default. (Issue #505)
- "tell me more" error. (Issue #513)
- PIT_STOP_FIX_NONE missing. (Issue #514)
- LMU reports wrong lap time info. (Issue #515)
- Wrong opponent reported. (Issue #516)
- Exception in UserSettings. (Issue #517)
- Plugin install path error. (Issue #519)
- Don't report "opponent ahead" unless they're in range. (Issue #521)
- Trace files are saved as a zip file instead of gzip as Windows doesn't open those easily.
- Assetto Corsa Pro added (for the vanishingly few that have it!)
- iRacing
- support for the new cars in 2025 Season 1
- users will be warned about drivers with a sketchy reputation
based on their safety rating, look for "Safety Reputation" in the
settings to adjust your tolerance.
- various fixes, e.g. improvements for grid formation, short ovals, rain, yellow flags, track landmarks
- Regression fix: restore opponent messages to iRacing
- Exception reported when starting CC: handle it and log information about the presumed cause.
- Experimental Fuel has been renamed to Improved Fuel and is now recommended, although is not yet the default and requires you to enable it
- F1 2022 and 2023 spotter added (F1 2022 is untested)
- Change the Nordschleife turn one corner name to Sabine Schmidt
- Sort the Available actions
- Talk to Crew Chief
The ones that are assigned
- The rest
- Select default nAudio input device if none selected
- Command macros can now run a DOS command - literally anything, one
example being an rFactor admin running a program using a voice command
to run a program to reverse the grid.
- Log files anonymised (full path not included).
- Profile JSON files' contents are sorted and have help text inserted between each
- If "Make the trace recording checkbox visible" is checked
- Trace log files include speech and console log.
- "Trace on race sessions" Property added, if recording a trace and this is checked then only race sessions go into the trace.
- Add trace menu item with file browser dialog, automating uploading trace logs.
- Bugfix: Catch an off by one that meant no message for 4th place last lap
- Bugfix: Speech trace in all games
- Bugfix: Sometimes reported wrong opponent in messages like "The gap in front to opponent..."
- Regression fix: Exception when asking "Tell me more"
- Regression fix: "Full status" command (and others) can have several responses
- Don't use first names as ACC only has the initial: J.Doe not John Doe
- iRacing:
- Jim reports that the session has ended (when Safety Rating will no longer count) in official races
- opponent queries should be available on the formation lap
- delay the tire message when entering the pits by 3 seconds (to
avoid interference with iRacing spotter) and reduce noise in pit tyre
- iRacing division can be used to flag opponents as sketchy
- disabling cut track warnings also disables incident counts
- workaround an issue with iRacing introducing telemetry in lone
qualifying sessions but the CC code not being fully ready to handle
- track landmarks for Magny Cours
- rFactor
- Pitstop fix none/Pitstop repair none added
- (and LMU) bugfix: fastest lap time ignores opponents
Fix some more issues that didn't show up in the Release Candidates.
- Remove delay in starting up
- Revert AC change to allow 128 cars
- User doesn't have to select a name
- Bugfix: "Full status" content restored
- Bugfix: Alarm clock command restored
- iRacing
- 2024 Season 4 readiness
- Use maximum temp and wear (of I/M/O) for tyre reporting
- Support zero padded iRacing car numbers
- Make lucky dog calls opt-in
- Standing start reminder is earlier
- More recordings by Jerry, the trainee crew chief (and reworked volume levels of existing recordings)
- Driver names can be disabled when the trainee is active
- New F1, INDYCAR, IMSA and WEC reconstructed driver names from forum user MotelGhost
- Added some other reconstructed driver names, including a custom name when racing DaveCam
- Fix for pit benchmark lookup
- Fix a regression in reporting "fuel to the end"
Fix some issues that didn't show up in the Release Candidates.
- Bugfix: "What's the..." commands re-enabled.
- Quit trying as soon as deleting a zero length wav file fails.
- Make optional data folders when they are first used, not at start up.
- May avoid the "cannot create folder" errors some users see.
- Doesn't create MyDocuments\iRacing\telemetry unless CC is used with iRacing.
A major release with many new features and lots of internal changes that should not be visible.
Le Mans Ultimate added, like the game itself it's Early Access
and some features don't work.
- Speech Wizard menu item, designed to make first time set up easier.
- Volume control (see menu File/Open data files folder game_volumes.json)
Audio ducking - drop the game volume while CC is playing sounds
Voice commands to change volume of game and VOIP app
- Auto start
- If the Property Enable game auto detect is checked
then Crew Chief will switch to the game automatically when the
game starts up
- Speech Recognition Improvements
Properties have been added that allow the user to disable
all unused speech commands, improving the recognition accuracy for
commands that you actually use, see:
- Identify opponents by driver name
- Identify opponents by race position
- Identify opponents by relative race position
to disable some of the worst offenders.
It is now possible to remove entries from the
speech_recognition_config.txt file, located in the installation
directory, improving the recognition accuracy of what remains.
Note that if you remove them from this file, but have a user-level
file in your documents folder, the commands will continue to be
Don't forget to read the FAQ on speech recognition to get the most
out of Crew Chief
and in particular do not forget to set these accordingly:
- Prefer Windows speech recogniser
- Speech recognition country
noting that if you need to change the audio input device you will
need to use nAudio (and likely match the sampling rate to your
If you still encounter problems, make sure to enable "Write speech
recognition debug data" and listen to your WAV recordings to get
an understanding of what CrewChief is hearing. If it is loud and
clear, that's when it starts to be a recognition problem rather
than a hardware setup problem.
If your microphone is too quiet and the Windows mixer is unable to
reach the levels you need, consider installing a software booster
such as
A new experimental fuel calculator is available for use
and has to be enabled via the Property Experimental fuel calculation (otherwise the older algorithm
continues to be used).
The new calculator estimates the number of laps for timed races,
allowing both kinds of race sessions to share fuel usage data and
settings. This becomes even more accurate as the race plays out
and the fastest laps of the leaders (including multi-class) are
accounted for. If the (existing) "Save pit stop benchmark times to
disk" feature is used, the times will be used to greatly improve
the accuracy of the estimate, and the amount of fuel that is taken
on during the pit benchmarks is taken into account (so you can
have benchmarks for a full tank, and each series that you race in,
which should be good news for iRacing GT3 drivers who dabble with
IMSA and endurance events).
Fuel usage will be persisted between sessions (to
fuel_usage.json) to improve the accuracy of the fuel usage
estimates, and the "pit window will open" call should arrive
earlier and be a lot more accurate than previous. This file can be
manually curated (or shared with your team) and will only ever
store 5 sessions worth of data for any car / track combination.
The way the new calculator works is that the projected fuel usage
per lap is on a sliding scale from the most typical lap through to
the most fuel intensive lap, only considering green flag laps. The
sliding scale is user selected and can be anywhere from 50% (the
"median" fuel usage) to 100% (the lap that used the most fuel).
Additional margin is added for ovals, and also for tracks
depending on their length (so your margin at the Nordschleife can
be different to Lime Rock).
The new Properties are:
- Experimental fuel calculation
- Experimental fuel percentile
- Experimental fuel extra laps to include for ovals
- Experimental fuel reserve (long)
- Experimental fuel reserve (medium)
- Experimental fuel reserve (short)
which are set to sensible conservative values to begin with.
The margins can be changed dynamically with voice commands
- "play it safe on fuel"
- "roll the dice on fuel"
- "reset the fuel plan"
which will double or half the margin, accordingly. For example, if
you have been pack racing and fuel saving (i.e. drafting and not
reaching full throttle on the straight) you might want to "play it
safe on fuel" and get a little bit more margin for when you are in
clean air.
CC reports estimated laps left in timed races.
The focus is
shortened to the next pit stop instead of
saying "we estimate 142 laps left" and "we'll need 273
litres of fuel"
[Subtitle] You: how long's left
[Subtitle] Jim: 3:hours 48 minutes to go
[Subtitle] Jim: we estimate 18 laps of fuel left
[Subtitle] You: how's my fuel
[Subtitle] Jim: should be about 17:laps of fuel remaining 2.8
litres per lap
[Subtitle] Jim: and we'll need to stop again to get to the end
Don't forget to "Enable iRacing auto refuelling when entering pit
in race" if you want to use CrewChief instead of the iRacing
autofueller (which must be disabled), or always ask Jim to refuel
you manually using a voice command.
This is obviously a very important feature for many racers, so any
feedback is greatly appreciated and it is highly recommended that
prior to any races that you enable "Make the trace recording
button visible" and click the tick to record all the telemetry
from the race so that the CrewChief developers can investigate any
problems that you encounter (this typically generates ~50MB of
data for an hour-long race).
Thanks to the team at Garage61 we now have the ability
to visualise all the iRacing tracks and are actively seeking
contributors to update our database! Please come to the CrewChief
discord and ask how you can help out as we have a lot of tracks to
add, it requires nothing more than a text editor and a web browser
to help.
Some tracks have been updated, most notably all configurations of
the Nordschleife, so good luck studying the track map to
understand what Jim is saying. If there's an incident in
Quiddelbacher Hoehe you know you're in trouble.
Jim is now able to tell you about the rating and safety
license of drivers around you in iRacing and RaceRoom. He will
also keep you informed if the car you are approaching is a lapped
car and if the car coming from behind is coming to lap you, long
before the blue flags come out. This is especially useful in
series that do not use blue flags and Jim will encourage you to
let them past.
Jim also got a bit better at closing the radio instead of giving
out of date information, if you hear him opening and closing the
radio a lot, consider disabling "Enable radio beeps" or asking him
how his day is going.
If you want to know what car number your opponents are sporting,
make sure to enable "Opponents identified by name and number"
which will let Jim know to use their name and number even if he
knows their name.
A heuristic reputation system has been added for iRacing, allowing
you to agree with Jim how to detect if other drivers might have a
less-than-admirable reputation. This is off by default but can be
enabled with the following Properties
- Reputation Messages
- Club Reputations
- Rating Reputation
- Tenure Reputation
He's not yet able to recognise Red Bull Liveries, so you're on
your own there.
The "Club" is intended to be used as a proxy for network latency
so will be heavily dependent on where you are in the world. See for some
interesting statistics. For example if you're in Europe you might
want to consider adding "International" to the list and if you're
in the US or Australia you might want to consider adding
"International" to the list.
The "Rating" is an absolute minimum threshold and although you may
be told about a driver's rating in their description, this cuts
straight to the chase. It is intended to be used to filter drivers
who are *very* far below your level and are likely to cause you
harm by being "helpful" instead of predictable.
The "Tenure" is a proxy for how long drivers have been using the
service. As a point of reference, drivers with id 980000 started
using the service around 3 months ago as this is written (Feb
2024) and this can be moved forward 10000 every month or so to
continue using that kind of threshold.
During a race, you can tell Jim to "mark the driver [ahead/behind]
as dirty" which will be remembered for following races. If you
weren't able to catch the guy that dive-bombed you from 10 car
lengths back, you can always edit the iracing_reputations.json
file in your Crew Chief documents folder, which looks something
like this. All fields except customer_id are informational /
optional and you can also record carClass and date for
"customer_id": 408068,
"name": "Jos Verstappen",
"comment": "thinks he's Max Verstappen"
"customer_id": 65874,
"name": "William Byron",
"comment": "will never win Daytona racing
like this"
(lol, this is just an example, we're not suggesting
these guys are actually dirty drivers!)
For more real world drivers on iRacing, see
"iRacing Strength of Field is for the player class" can be used to
avoid noise from other classes when asking what the strength of
field is. Unfortunately Jim is yet to record a grid walk message
that we can use, so you have to ask.
You should now see Jerry as an option for both the crew
chief and the spotter. However, while Jerry is learning how to be a
fully qualified crew chief, we recommend that you only select him as
your Spotter, leaving Jim as chief, but then go to the Property Window,
find Trainee chief where you can type "Jerry", and restart Crew
Chief. You will then sometimes hear Jerry when he has something to say,
but you won't miss anything Jim has to say. Jerry has a US accent and
you can select Trainee is US only if you only want to hear him when using American units, which can be controlled in the sim (such as iRacing).
Two new category filters have been added
- VIPs (Very Important Properties) which is preselected when CC first runs.
- New Properties in this release
- GTR2 plugin updated to v3.3.0.0
- Miscellaneous
Some new Properties have been added
- American units for stock car racing
- Time between announcing new opponent (and we're aware of an
issue when the car in front is blinking)
and a variety of bugs have been fixed. Most notably, the formation
side bug has been fixed in iRacing. Or, rather, has been
worked-around. We must now maintain a database of the track
formation rules since the iRacing telemetry is buggy. New tracks
will be added manually.
New voice commands:
- what's the gap behind on track
- what's the gap ahead on track
- what's the gap to the leader
- what's my car number
- what lap is it
- watch the car ahead
- watch the car behind
- pitstop change front tyres only
- pitstop change rear tyres only
now work in iRacing
New menu items
- File/Open data files folder
- File/Open voice files folder
Trace messages in the boot sequence (run CC from the command
> output.txt 2>&1
then output.txt
contains the messages which can be used by the dev team)
Write errors to DebugLogs\ErrorLog.txt as well as the console log
Default limit_available_games to all games as a reference for
all the names
Upgrade Newtonsoft.Json library to 13.0.3 to get rid of the
vulnerability warning (even though it doesn't apply to CC)
And many other changes, too many to remember or to list!
- Fix some issues with fuel reporting
- Some MQTT telemetry improvements
- AMS2 - wire up tyre pressures
- R3E - use game-provided car dimensions for spotter
- GTR2 - plugin update
- Fixed TTS (text-to-speech) for driver names
- Fix some speech recognition issues and reinstated the short position phrases disabled in the last release
- Correct some bugs in the driver name mapping which was preventing some valid driver names from being read
- Speech recognition bug fixes for driver names - note this
includes removing the short position phrases ("who's in P1", "where's
P12" etc.) - use the longer versions ("who's in position 1", "where's
position 12" etc.) instead
- GTR2 - plugin update
- Rework opponent name matching to be more accurate and more conservative
- Added UI to modify suppress or manually override guessed opponent name matches ("Opponent Names" from the app's menu bar)
- Use FuzzySharp and Phonix to find names close to the
player's name - the My Name popup now allows you to enter your name and
the app will suggest possible matches for this.
It sets 'Allow opponent names in 'My name' list' Property if
- Allow fuzzy and phonic matching for opponent driver names -
enabled by default, can be toggled off with the 'Fuzzy opponent name
matching' property
- MQTT parses JSON messages with priority and distance at which the message should be played
- Plugin installer now sets folder browser root to My Computer instead of Desktop
- RF2 - Update rFactor2SharedMemoryMapPlugin64.dll to
- ACC - Added car model to data
- R3E - use game provided brake temperature thresholds
- AMS2 - Use US terms for AMS2's Indycars, some car class corrections
- iRacing - Tsukuba track mapped, LMDH added, Formula Ford 1600 added
- GTR2 - Updated plugin
- various minor fixes
- R3E - fix missing ADAC 2021 GT3 class mapping
- GTR2 plugin update
- Added more channels to MQTT telemetry output
- Various minor fixes
- GTR2 plugin update
- Added basic support for AMS2 full course yellow flags
- Various minor fixes
- GTR2 plugin update
- Allow MQTT broker responses to trigger arbitrary text-to-speech responses
- Various minor fixes
- Fix missing 'conditions' data regression from previous release (weather, track temp etc.)
- Added option to report fuel remaining in number of laps,
even for time-limited races ('Report fuel as laps left in timed races'
in the Properties screen)
- RF2 - added 'display next' voice command to move to the next MFD screen
- ACC - corrected car speed data (use a more frequently updated value)
- Various minor fixes
- Support change of hosting location for assets
- New configuration setting to publish live telemetry data to an MQTT broker. A default broker is hosted at More under Help → Telemetry
- iRacing - fix some issues with battery charge reporting
- RF2 - clear existing tyre change setting when starting a race
- General bug fixes
- Added 'Listen if not Pressed' as a speech recognition mode -
the app will always listen for voice commands unless the assigned
button is held down (useful for cases where that button activates some
other program's voice input)
- iRacing - fix the app not working with electric vehicles.
Note that there's more work still to do here, the existing CC support
for electric vehicles makes some assumptions about charging / vehicle
swap rules that may not apply
- Revised audio device re-indexing to better handle cases where audio devices are changed while the app is running
- Fix some crash bugs on start up
- Assorted other minor fixes and tweaks
- GTR2 - plugin update
- iRacing - speculative workaround to prevent the app trying to auto-fuel on driver change when it shouldn't
- AMS2 - marked some tracks as Ovals
- Added an option to insert a pause between sounds ('Pause
between sound fragments (ms)' in the Properties screen, units
milliseconds). If you find that the app sometimes misses off the start
or end of some sounds, try setting this to 50 or 100
- iRacing - added new car class mappings
- some internal rework and error handling improvements
- Fix a potential crash bug in the VR settings initialisation where config files are missing or corrupt
- Added transparency support to VR overlays
- Some error handling improvements
- iRacing - clear fuel when we don't actually need any and we're set to auto-fuel
- GTR2 - plugin update
- ACC - mapped some of the newer content
- AMS2 - reinstate refuelling and next / previous pit strategy
macros (note these assume that Q is bound to 'ICM Cycle' and the ICM
Reset On Exit mode (under Gameplay) is set to 'Default Page')
- A few minor bug fixes
- Added some additional logging for non-standard property values
- Fix some incorrect 'opponent approaching' pit exit calls
- ACC - wait a little longer for stable opponent positions
before deriving player grid side and car-to-follow (should fix issues
with occasionally incorrect formation lap calls)
- GTR2 - plugin update
- A few minor bug fixes
- Clear fuel data in race session when starting from the pit
lane (should prevent unrealistic fuel consumption figures in such
- ACC - improved session restart detection
- ACC - fix cut tracks playing after an invalidated out lap
- ACC - recalculate car to follow and grid side at the start of double-file formation if drivers have dropped out
- ACC - derive the pit window start and end times from the
total pit window length, rather than the game-provided start and end
times (should fix the incorrect window calls). Note that this may result
in incorrect pit window calls if you enter a race session some time
after the race has started
- Fix issues launching games
- ACC - wired up more pre-start messages and some pit window and session transition fixes
- ACC - various improvements to data synchronization and
stability workarounds. This should improve the ACC experience
- AMS2 & R3E - open shared memory with read-access only.
This should address some startup issues when using the app with other
tools that access the games' shared memory files
- GTR2 - plugin update
- ARCA Sim Racing - added basic support for this game using the existing Rfactor1 plugin and classes
- A few minor bug fixes
- Change target Dot Net version to 4.7.2. This should have no
effect on users, it's required to support new collaborators on the
project as the development tooling for the old 4.5 target version is
very difficult to find
- AMS2 - updated to latest shared memory version (includes IMO tyre temps and support for extra lap after timed races)
- iRacing - added DRS bleeps (enable with the "Enable DRS beeps" property)
- R3E - fix tyre type mapping for Gr5 cars
- R3E - fix pit menu navigation (note that this fix is
required to keep up with changes to the game, and the 'fix body work'
command is no longer available)
- GTR2 - plugin update
- Suppress "defend your position" type messages when we have a slowdown penalty
- R3E - fix broken 'request pit' command and a couple of pit menu navigation issues
- R3E - added repair all and repair none voice commands
('pitstop fix all' / 'box, fix all' / 'pitstop repair all' / 'box,
repair all' and 'pitstop fix none' / 'box, fix none' / 'pitstop repair
none' / 'box, repair none')
- GTR2 - plugin update
- Allow start and end chat actions to be disabled per macro
- iRacing - fix for mapping errors when the game doesn't send us a player name
- R3E - fix GTO pit menu tyre compound selection
- RF2 - pit menu "refuel to end": don't refuel if enough already
- AMS2 - added repair pit menu macros
- GTR2 - plugin update
- Optionally block all complaining and negative messages - to
implement this we've updated how we handle the "Max complaints per
session" variable. This limits the maximum number of times the app can
complain at or make a negative comment to the player in a single
session. If you're happy to have the app complain when you do badly (by
the app's occasionally unattainable standards) then set this to a higher
number. If you don't want the app to complain at all set it to 0. The
default value of 60 is intended to prevent the app's grumbling from
getting tiresome in endurance or very long races
- Added an option to limit the app's messages to information
only ("Disable commentary" property, default false). This setting blocks
the app's general 'advice' and encouragement or grumbling messages
- GTR2 - updated plugin
- Content updates for iRacing and R3E
- GTR2: Minor VR improvements
- various bug fixes
- Revised pit window calculations
- added a "Speak only when spoken to" option in the Properties
screen (when this is enabled the app will only play messages in
response to a voice command or button press)
- various bug fixes
- Fix MS Speech recognition platform download links
- Use 2 decimal places when reporting tyre pressure in kPa
- iRacing - prevent autofuel triggering immediately after a
driver swap and when the player isn't driving the car (thanks to Jacob
Klein and Doug Evenson for helping track this down)
- GTR2 - plugin update
- RF2 - Pit Manager: Add F1 tyre compound C1/2/3/4/5. Fix fuel menu parsing.
- A few minor bug fixes
- Added a sector 3 pit warning when needing fuel
- Added support for F1 2021 (spotter only, thanks to Christopher Berger)
- R3E - work around the game's pit menu changes. The voice
command "fix suspension" should work now but note that it will only
toggle the value of this option (the app can't know what it's currently
set to)
- GTR2 - update plugin to latest version
- iRacing - fixed macro key presses
- A few minor bug fixes
- Tweaked nAudio WASAPI playback to reduce the likelihood of sounds being truncated
- fixed chat macro key presses not registering for some games
- R3E & GTR2 - added dirt pickup warning messages (can be disabled with "Enable tyre dirt pickup warnings" property)
- GTR2 - damage reporting and gearbox improvements
- Fix a crash on start up if nAudio devices fail to initialise
- AMS2 - added some missing content mapping
- iRacing - added some missing content mapping
- GTR2 - updated VR plugin, improved Driving School support and added some additional features
- R3E - updated WebHub to latest version with new data
- iRacing - updated track landmarks data to add more tracks
and correct some existing ones (thanks to Jacob Klein for the hard work
- RF2 - pit menu manager improvements
- GTR2 - VR improvements
- Hotfix for broken chat macros (sorry it took so long)
- GTR2 - added windscreen wipers support and wired up formation lap logic
- Remove references to GoogleDrive in auto-updater data
- Chat macro fixes
- iRacing - added Spa Combined, Limerock Classic 2019 and Hockenheim GP corner mappings
- ACC - added "how many laps on tyre set [x]" voice command (reports the number of laps this tyre set has been used for)
- ACC - added "[pitstop / box], select best tyres" voice
command - uses the tyre usage data to select the least used tyre set in
the pit MFD (just in terms of number of laps)
- ACC - damage threshold tweaks
- R3E - fix some car class handling bugs when server use rolling start qualifying
- A few minor bug fixes
- Change all links to to use HTTPS
- Added option to disable frozen order (full course yellow / formation lap) messages (property "Enable frozen order messages")
- Fix an app crash when some option files are corrupt or empty
- Some fixes to the macro editor
- ACC - fix some pit menu interactions - the app will always
assume that the "Strategy" option is show so you'll need to ensure your
current setup has at some pit strategies defined
- R3E - use the tyre temperature ranges sent by the game instead of CC's internal ranges
- GTR2 - added simple flatspot implementation
- Updated to include hotfix for macro crash bug
- Added support for Assetto Corsa rally tracks (use Assetto Corsa Rally game option) - puts the app in 'rally mode'
- Added support for modifier keys in macros - prefix the key
with modifier+ to hold down that modifier while typing the key (e.g.
- Added an optional HOLD_TIME modifier to macro keys to
specify how long that single key will be held down (e.g.
"{HOLD_TIME,4000}KEY_A" hold A down for 4000 milliseconds)
- Added message playback resample option for nAudio - specify a
resampling rate in Hz with the "nAudio playback resample rate" property
- 0 disables resampling (the default). The sound files are recorded at
22050Hz so there's no point in going above that, values below 5000 may
make the messages difficult to understand
- Prevent key bindings activating macros multiple times after restarting the app; Some error logging improvements
- Updated track landmark locations for a couple of tracks (thanks to the users who submitted these)
- Fixed a few bugs and crashes
- RF1 / AMS - experimental implementation of pit box in use
warnings (still lots of work and testing to do here, enable this with
the "Warn about opponents sharing player's pit box (RF1 / AMS 1 only)"
property, note this relies on participants making practice pitstops
during practice / qual)
- AC - fixed some incorrect tyre wear thresholds
- ACC - wired up tyre pressure and weather data (including weather forecast data)
- ACC - first cut of a pit menu manager (this will need
updated macro definitions, please delete
Documents/CrewChiefV4/saved_command_macros.json so the app can recreate
it with the required content). The ACC pit menu manager uses cursor
(arrow) keys and "P" to navigate the pit menu and can be a bit slow (to
reduce the risk of presses being ignored by the game). Supported voice
commands include "add fuel, [x] litres", "fuel to the end", "box, change
tyres", "box, don't change tyres", "box, wet tyres", "box, dry tyres",
"box, tyre set [x]", "box, change [front / rear / left front / right
front / left rear / right rear] tyre pressure, [20.3 -> 35]" (note
that changing tyre pressures can be a bit hit-and-miss). In each case
the app has to find and change the 'change tyre set' option to work out
the menu state - it should revert the change it makes
- Added option to prefer driver names over car numbers for frozen order calls (full course yellow / rolling start)
- Added suspension velocity histogram data to R3E, AMS2 and
pCars2 chart data (default voice command "show me suspension velocity")
- Made Windows speech recognition the default
- Shared memory, added phraseIsPlaying to tell if a phrase is currently being played
- R3E - fixed ratings retrieval
- R3E - increase app tick-rate during start lights to reduce delay in reporting countdown / green flag state to other apps
- GTR2 - fix some VR rendering issues
- ACC - fix free chat macros
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed some issues in gap reporting that could result in incorrect gaps or unwanted messages
- Some internal speech recognition improvements
- Automatically tune the speech recogniser's confidence
thresholds - should improve recognition accuracy and consistency (this
behaviour is enabled by default and can be disabled by unchecking the
'Auto-tune speech recognition thresholds' property)
- GTR2 - some plugin and VR rendering improvements
- RF2 - some pit menu fixes
- Added a configurable delay after releasing the speech
recognition button before finishing speech recognition - may help users
who tend to release the button too early ('hold button' mode only,
property name 'SRE delay after button release')
- Allow keyboard and button assignments to trigger macro
functions and extended the Macro Editor UI to support key / button
- Speeded up free-chat macro functions
- Extended mid-stage rally stage notes correction feature to include many more call types
- UI enhancements (console context menu and other stuff)
- AMS2 - use separate command macros for AMS2 rather than reusing pCars2 macros
- GTR2 - VR rendering enhancements and support for more message types including rolling start
- RF2 - pit menu fixes
- Some error handling improvements - the app should show a
popup window with error details instead of silently crashing and writing
to the Windows Event Log
- Command line parameter rework (note that the "RF2_64BIT" parameter has been changed to "RF2")
- iRacing - some car class fixes
- iRacing - fix some issues with off track penalties
- Added speech recogniser debug function (enable with 'Write
speech recognition debug data' property) - writes recognition
information and captured audio as a .wav file to
- RBR / Dirt / Dirt 2 - fixed a few bugs in the recce pace notes parser
- GTR2 - fixed missing speech recognition commands
- GTR2 - fixed missing reflections in VR
- RF2 - pit menu manager improvements
- Minor bugfixes
- Some timing accuracy improvements where opponent data is incomplete
- RBR / Dirt / Dirt 2 - ensure corner / obstacle modifiers
apply to the correct pace note fragment and fixed issue with pace note
corrections not working
- GTR2 - improved plugin handling
- RF2 - pit menu tyre type matching improvements
- R3E - hotfix for error when the player has no rating data (i.e. has never raced on one of the official ranked servers)
- Added full support for GTR2, see forum post
for installation and setup instructions. Note that this also includes
full (native) VR support for GTR2 (see the link for details)
- R3E - added rating-based finishing position expectation
messages and voice command ("what's my expected finish position?"). The
rating data also affects the race-end messages
- RBR / Dirt / Dirt2 - rally stage notes creation improvements
- added "into", "and" and "then" items, added "tightens to
[1/2/3/4/5/hairpin]" command, ensure pace notes are ordered correctly,
some other fixes and improvements
- iRacing - added sanity checks to opponent speed and position data, should reduce the number of spurious stopped-car calls
- Various bug fixes
- Fixed 'force single class' option (was being ignored by the app)
- Fix timing issue in multiclass races for some games
- RBR / Dirt Rally / Dirty Rally2 - added 'Minimum rally
distance pace note distance (metres)' property to set how far ahead the
next pace note needs to be before the app inserts a distance call and
'Dynamic co-driver look ahead distance' property to shorten the
look-ahead distance immediately after a slow corner (should reduce call
overload into slow corners, disabled by default)
- RBR / Dirt Rally / Dirty Rally2 - added a few more corner /
obstacle types ('open hairpin left / right', 'go-straight', 'danger /
triple caution' and 'trees / logs / rocks inside / outside') and more
corner modifiers ('opens', 'very long' and 'plus / minus') to the rally
speech recogniser
- R3E - added "What's the strength of field?" and "What are my incident points?" voice commands
- iRacing - fixed missing meatball flag message
- AMS2 - updated car mappings for new classes
- RF2 - added more tyre types to the pit menu
- Changed 'My name' list behaviour - this UI component use to
show the specially recorded 'personalisations' (about 1000 names) and
all the opponent driver names in the app (about 10000 names), which made
it unreliable for some users. By default it now hides the opponent
driver names so you'll only see the 1000 specially recorded
personalisations. Enabling the "Allow opponent names in 'My name' list"
property will add all opponent driver names to this list allowing the
app to generate a personalisation from any of the opponent names (see
folder C:\Users\[user
name]\AppData\Local\CrewChiefV4\sounds\driver_names). Note that these
won't sound as natural as the specially recorded personalisations. If
you've requested that your name be added to this list, please check
again after updating as it might be shown
- AMS2 - added missing car class mappings
- RF2 - fixed tyre selection issues in pit menu manager when selecting some tyre types
- R3E - fixed some missing incident points messages
- RBR - automatically install the Crew Chief plugin
- Various minor bug fixes
- Added rally stage notes creation support - see rally pace notes help page
- Added support for Dirt Rally and Dirt Rally 2 (user-created stage notes only)
- Added option to enable scroll bars on main window where necessary (enable with 'Scroll bars on main window' property)
- R3E - use correct field for player incident points
- Pit Manager - tyre selection handles in-game tyre compound that is not in PM's list
- R3E - use correct field for player incident points
- Changed "watch" commands to be "monitor" ("monitor [opponent
name / the car ahead / p12 / the leader / etc.]" / stop monitoring
[opponent name / etc.] / stop monitoring all etc.) - the word "watch" is
too similar to "what's" so was being regularly mis-interpreted by the
speech recogniser
- Fix some issues with macros not applying to the correct application window
- ACC - fix penalty logic
- ACC - fix for the app repeating laptime in hotstint mode
- RBR - subtitles fix
- R3E - reduced optimal tyre temps for F-Junior
- Hotfix for iRacing crash bug (sorry guys)
- Added some interpolation for car timing positions - should
address issues with wildly inaccurate gap messages where stale data (1
lap old) was being used to calculate gaps
- ACC - fixed player car always being in a separate car class
from opponents (should fix at least some of the inaccurate position
- ACC - workaround for unsynchronised lap distance and laps
completed data - should greatly improve car position calls in online
- Made splash screen optional
- Some internal sound player wiring fixes
- Don't attempt to show subtitles when there's nothing to show
- Pit Manager "Clear all" clears tyre changes, fuel, any penalties and any damage repairs
- Show separate speech recognition confidence thresholds for
Windows and Microsoft speech recognisers on the Properties screen and
ensure the thresholds used match the recogniser in use even in cases
where the app has to override the user's preferred recogniser. Also
added some additional logging to make it clear which recogniser is in
use and what confidence thresholds are being applied
- RF2 - Pit Manager changes tyres as part of tyre type
commands (so you don't have to make 2 separate commands to change tyre
- RF2 - Fix tyre selection on Pit Manager for some cars
- Hotfix for startup crash for new users
- Added separate voice recognition sensitivity threshold
values for when using the built-in Windows speech recogniser. These are
higher (particularly for the 'Trigger word') and should stop a lot of
the false-positives (again, especially for the 'Trigger word') when
using the 'Prefer Windows speech recogniser' option
- Fix z-offset not saving for some VR overlays
- Allow the 'Watch opponent' function to be disabled (added 'Enable watch opponent commands' property, default enabled)
- Fix bug playing start-listening beep using Trigger Word voice recognition mode and nAudio
- Added shortcut key bindings to toggle VR overlays
- Added option to control when subtitles are loaded. If the
property 'Lazy load subtitles' is enabled the subtitles are loaded only
when needed. This can improve app launch times when using subtitles but
may increase app resource use when driving
- R3E - fix for incorrect session length message with time + 1 extra lap race sessions
- iRacing - added Meatball flag message and generic
pit-to-serve-penalty message (the app doesn't know if it's a
drive-through or a stop-and-go penalty)
- RF2 & RBR - fix app crash when restarting the app
- Fixed some cases where the app would use text-to-speech
driver names when it shouldn't when the TTS settings was 'Use TTS only
when necessary'
- pCars3 - always assume races are single class
- R3E - added support for DTM 2020 rules (push to pass and DRS)
- R3E - added support for minimum pit stop duration
(calculates how long you need to wait in the pitbox and warns you about
it - note that this calculation requires you to have driven out of the
pits at least once since starting the app to record the pit exit
- R3E - added support for maximum incident points on ranked
servers before being kicked (warnings about further incidents resulting
in a DQ / kick)
- R3E - reduced some engine temp warning thresholds
- RF2 - enhanced pit menu manager to support fuel in gallons and some other fixes
- VR overlays: Fixed gazing. Added an option to change tracking space for overlays (Seated/Standing/Follow Head)
- Added an option to only use sounds which are gender-neutral.
The app has, historically, assumed all players are male so contains
lots of sounds with words like words like 'man', 'guy', 'he' etc. which
is a bit silly. If you enable the 'Block sounds which refer to drivers
as male' property the app will only use sounds that are gender-neutral
('driver', 'car', etc.). Note that this requires the latest sound pack
update to work
- RF2 - tweaked the behaviour of the pit manager system so it
only inspects the pit menu layout when it's first invoked, rather than
at the start of a session
- RF2 - added an option to disable the pit menu manager ('enable rF2 pit manager' property)
- RF2 - fixed initialisation of pit menu manager
- rFactor 2 now needs Vytautas Leonavičius' rFactor 2 Plugin
version It's part of this CC version and will be installed
automatically but note that any other apps that use it will need to be
- Added Rally mode and support for Richard Burns Rally
- Added rudimentary pCars3 support
- Added support for controller 'point of view' buttons (should allow direction-pads to be used for button assignments)
- AMS2 - A few car class tweaks
- ACC - added multi-class support
- RF2 - updated plugin and added a pit menu manager
- Corrected VR overlay default behaviour (should fix the remaining issues with the overlays)
- Corrected app name being "5" on the Windows Sounds mixer (stupid fat-fingered typo, sorry)
- Added "what's my oil temp" and "what's my water temp" voice commands
- R3E - tweaked car class mapping for WTCR
- Hotfix for issues with VR overlay windows
- Corrected time deltas in multiclass racing on pCars2 / AMS2
- R3E - fixed some missing tyre type mappings
- R3E - fixed OtterHud integration
- Some UI tidying up and bug fixes
- Stockcar Extreme - fix for app trying (and failing) to install plugin on every start (the plugin .dll must be install manually)
- R3E - download player rating data in background (should improve start up time)
- pCars / pCars2 - allow finer control over car class mapping using an optional pCarsCarNames field in the car classes JSON)
- AMS2 - wired up a bit more of the existing pCars2 logic (e.g. weather conditions)
- Added F1 2020 to games list (spotter only)
- Fixed SteamVR detection on non-English installs
- Fixed some issues in speech recognition initialisation error handling
- Fix a crash bug preventing the app from starting when user-defined macros are incomplete
- Allow existing driver name (opponent name) recordings to be
used to generate personalisations (note that these may sound a bit
robotic - some will probably be fine, some will be unusable, most will
be somewhere in between). If you're waiting for your name to be added to
the app check the My Name list again - it might be available
- Tweaked the My Name list box so you can now type into it (this is needed because there are now about 8000 entries in this list)
- Added option to force VR overlay windows to be on top
- A few minor bug fixes
- Added support for Steam VR overlays. Enable this with the
'Enable VR overlays' property (the app can also start SteamVR if
necessary by enabling the 'Start SteamVR if detected' property). This
will enable the 'VR Settings' button on the main screen which opens a
popup window allowing you to select which of your desktop windows to be
rendered in VR. You can also move them around, scale them and other
stuff from this menu. This supports any desktop window as well as the
Crew Chief overlays (charts, console and subtitles). The app will
remember your window config and reapply them when you next start it. If
you want the VR overlays to be started with the app, enable the 'Enable
VR overlays when app starts' property
- Reworked help and documentation into proper HTML pages accessed from the app's toolbar menu
- Overhauled button handling to reduce delays and fix some issues
- Some pace notes improvements - better multi-lap pace notes
handling and add better audio feedback (pace notes specific voice
message and a different radio beep when recording mode is enabled)
- Added feature to 'watch' opponents - use the voice command
'watch [opponent last name]', 'team mate [opponent last name]' or 'rival
[opponent last name]' to mark a driver as watched. The app will give
updates on watched drivers. The watch list can be cleared with the
'cancel watched drivers' command (or 'stop watching [opponent name]' to
remove a specific driver). Note that the watch list is cleared on
session start so drivers watched in qualifying won't be on the watch
list for the race (you need to re-add them)
- R3E - added support for R3E driver rating data. When
approaching an opponent with low reputation you may get a warning about
him. Opponents' ranking, rating and reputation can be accessed with the
voice command 'whats [opponent last name]'s ranking / rating /
- R3E - updated various vehicle classes and their tyre
temperature thresholds and added Daytona track mapping (running on the
oval should now activate the oval spotter and logic)
- Various bug fixes
- Reworked pace notes functionality to allow pace notes to be
recorded over multiple laps and to add some speed and direction
filtering (e.g. you might want a particular pace note to only play when
the car is going too fast) - full documentation still to be done
- added option to make pace notes play automatically when
starting a practice session (disabled by default, enable with 'Play pace
notes automatically in practice' property)
- added option to mute other messages when pace notes are
playing (enabled by default, disable with 'Mute messages when playing
pace notes' property)
- improvements to the subtitle overlay
- replaced existing 'fuel in gallons' property with more generic 'Use metric' property which applies to fuel and speed calls
- added option to disable pit speed limit warnings ('Enable pit speed limit warnings', defaults to enabled)
- iRacing - fix some pitstop commands
- AMS2 - fix command line wiring
- R3E - fix broken opponent position messages when asking "where is [opponent name]"
- R3E - added some missing tyre types to the pit menu code
- R3E - tweaked tyre wear warning messages so the app isn't as conservative
- ACC - fix for broadcast API change
- Fix some subtitle issues when using personalisations for some users
- Allow sounds to be played back in stereo when using nAudio
for playback (enable with the "Play messages in stereo" property) -
should fix cases where the app's sound only plays through one speaker
- ACC - changed deprecation warning so it's just a console message rather than a popup
- Changed default subtitle overlay colour scheme (this can be
changed manually by editing the
Documents/CrewChiefV4/subtitle_overlay.json file - the recommended value
for the "activeColorScheme" property is "CrewChief")
- Added subtitles. Subtitles can be shown as an overlay from
Crew Chief (enable with the 'Enbable subtitle overlay' option in the
Properties screen) or can be written to a shared memory file for use in
3rd party overlays or dashboards (enable with the 'Enable shared memory'
option). See sample
for an example project which uses this shared memory file. Massive
thanks to Nolan Bates for a frankly astonishing amount of work
transcribing all of Crew Chief's phrases
- Initial Automobilista 2 support (work in progress). To use
this set the Shared Memory mode to Project Cars2 in the in-game System
- ACC - removed pit window messages
- ACC - added deprecation warning. We're stopping work on ACC support and might remove support entirely in the future
- various bug fixes and tweaks
- Better handling of corrupted settings files on startup
- Improved detection of on-track incidents
- R3E - tweaked suspension damage thresholds
- iRacing - improved session state detection when racing against AI
- iRacing - fix pit limiter warnings
- Fixed a couple more start up crashes
- Fix some queuing issues in more complex rally-style pace notes
- RF2 - added Nurburgring corner mappings
- R3E - work around some odd behaviour in the pit menu for races with more than one pitstop
- A few minor tweaks and fixes
- Fixed a couple of crash bugs on start up with broken profile settings
- Tweaked pace notes feature to allow a set of sounds to
trigger instead of a single sound (to better support complex rally-style
pace notes)
- iRacing - some AI session restart logic fixes
- R3E - updated some car class data
- Reworked cut track messages to make them more appropriate to
how often you cut or violate track limits - note that if you cut
persistently and frequently the app will (eventually) start to ignore
these cuts
- R3E - auto-select 'serve penalty' in the pit menu when you
issue the 'box this lap' command with an outstanding penalty (requires
the R3E pit menu key bindings to match the ones the app is expecting)
- R3E - fix crash bug caused by null or empty driver names when sending WebHud data
- iRacing - allow the app to manage disk telemetry handling (enable with 'Enable automatic telemetry disk recording' property)
- iRacing - fix some issues with the track map on chart overlays
- iRacing - improved cut track detection
- RF2 plugin hotfix
- Added track map to charts when zoomed in (uses car position data) - visible area is hightlighted in red
- Added overlays for console output and telemetry charts. See Overlays section in Help or Readme, or detailed forum post for more info
- Some audio caching improvments
- some minor tweaks and fixes
- RF2 - new plugin
- Hotfix for app startup issues using nAudio where device names aren't unique
- Reworked nAudio playback path to improve stability and fix
some app shutdown issues; added option to play sounds using WASAPI
output device when using nAudio playback (set with the 'nAudio Output
Interface Type' property). This has significantly lower playback latency
and can make the app sound more natural and responsive - definitely
worth trying (remember to enable nAudio playback first). If the audio
pops or crackles with this enable try increasing the 'nAudio WASAPI
latency' property a bit
- Added option to make the app respond to voice commands as
soon as it recognises them in 'Hold Button' mode, rather than waiting
until the radio button is released (enable this behaviour with the
'Respond to voice commands immediately' property)
- Allow closing CC from command line by passing C_EXIT command parameter
- ACC - ensure penalties are cleared properly
- AC - some car class tweaks to better map GTE and GT3
- iRacing - more robust pit entry detection (should reduce the likelihood of the all not refuelling after a mess pit entry)
- A few bug fixes
- Prevent fuel consumption estimates being skewed by full course yellow flags
- Reworked damage reporting logic to make it more natural
- Some message queuing improvements
- Disable opponent pit exit position estimates during full course yellow flag
- Allow pace notes to play even when the app is in 'keep quiet' mode
- Play a beep when releasing the radio button in 'Hold button'
mode (disabled by default, enable with
'enable_on_hold_close_channel_beep' property)
- When spotter messages interrupt the chief or you press the
radio button, any sound currently playing is interrupted immediately
(only works with nAudio playback enabled and, for voice communication
interrupting, 'Block messages when talking to the Chief' enabled)
- Fix 'toggle mode' speech recognition button press issues
caused by the app seeing multiple presses when activating speech
- Fix nAudio device indexing when changing default devices
- ACC - added driver stint time messages, more penalty messages and some other missing data
- F1 2019 - use correct property value for UDP port (was using the value for the F1 2018 property)
- R3E - improved detection of hot-lap qualifying sessions to prevent spurious spotter messages
- R3E - fix missing tyre wear messages when multiplier is 2 or more
- R3E - fix incorrect DRS messages
- Final hotfix (fingers crossed...) for the remaining speech recognition initialisation issues
- Another hotfix (sorry guys) - fix broken speech recognition
with non-English versions of Windows, added more sanity checking for
user profiles
- Hotfix - fall back to Microsoft speech recognition engine
implementation if the System speech recognition engine doesn't have the
required language support
- Hotfix - fix a crash bug when initialising the speech recognition system for nAudio users
- Hotfix - fix plugin location error
- Reworked speech recognisers to allow it to use the built-in
Windows speech recognition, which may benefit from being trained to you
voice. To enable this, enable the 'Prefer Windows speech recogniser'
option in the Properties screen
- Added experimental free-text chat feature for Raceroom,
pCars2 and iRacing only - enable with 'Enable free dictation chat
messages' property. To use this you must have Windows speech recognition
enabled and you'll need to delete
Documents\CrewChiefV4\saved_command_macros.json before launching the app
(so the app can add a couple of new macro definitions). Read what out
you want to say as you would with any other command, starting with
"chat" - e.g. "chat, hello everyone" or "chat, this is a test chat
message". The app will start the chat by executing the "start chat
message" macro which presses C (raceroom) or T (iRacing / pCars2), type
in the recognised text after "chat", then end the chat by executing the
"end chat message" macro (which just presses enter). Note that this may
produce some weird results if the speech recogniser doesn't accurately
interpret what you're saying
- Added a voice command to disable most of the complaining
messages for the remainder of the current session - "stop complaining" /
"stop grumbling" / "f*** off". This will prevent the app berating you
when you're doing badly, which may be useful in long sessions
- Limit the number of times the app will complain at the
player during a session (default is 50 times, configurable with 'Max
complaints per session' property)
- Fixed app crash when using pCars network data button assignments
- ACC - fix stale opponents not being cleared from internal state (should fix incorrect incident calls when players disconnect)
- ACC - mapped corner positions for Spa and Barcelona, corrected Monza mapping
- R3E - added missing WTCR 2019 class (this is now correctly grouped with WTCR 2018)
- Fix for updates requiring 2 restarts in order to correctly load the user's settings
- ACC - fix various issues including multipler bugs, missing
pit exit / entry messages, incorrect mandatory pit stop window messages,
missing flag messages, missing track landmark mappings (not every track
yet) and a few other bits and bobs
- iRacing - fixed a nasty bug where a particular set of unexpected car class data from the game could make the app unresponsive
- Added F1 2019 support (spotter only)
- Added Assetto Corsa Competizioni support. This is a
work-in-progress - the studio is still working on the API and there are
issues with some of the data and some features of the app don't yet work
- Added properties profiles to allow sets of options to be
saved and reloaded - different profiles can be created with different
app configurations. These can be created and loaded on the Properties
screen, and can also be loaded at app start time with a command line
argument by specifying 'profile profile_file_name.json' in the shortcut
(e.g. short-cut Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Britton IT
Ltd\CrewChiefV4\CrewChiefV4.exe" profile some_profile.json)
- Allow some properties to be modified without needing to restart the app
- Fixed an issue with missing opponent gap data when the player is running 2nd
- Added option to enable blue-flag messages ("Enable blue flag messages", defaults to enabled)
- Added option to limit the games show in the Crew Chief
'Games' list - to use this add a comma separated list of the games you
want to be show to property 'Limit available games'. Most common
versions and abbreviations of the game names should work here (e.g.
"R3E, pCars2, Assetto, ACC, RF2")
- Allow radio beeps when the Chief talks to be switched off ("Enable radio beeps" properrty, defaults to enabled)
- R3E: extended pit menu interactions - you can now ask for a
specific tyre type in car classes that support it, for example "box,
soft tyres" (see R3E Pit Menu Interactions)
- Fix potential crash bug when assigning buttons or when
testing button assignments / voice commands before the app receives any
game data
- Removed some debug code that may have triggered in the previous release
- Rewrote installer to use WIX rather than InstallShield - should help with the updating issues that some users encounter
- Added an optional delay before switching the spotter to be
switched off on full course yellow (default is to silence spotter as
soon as the full course yellow is shown - to use the new behaviour
disable the 'Mute spotter immediately on full course yellow' property)
- RF2 - added latest Formula E mappings and rules; R3E - improved accuracy of pit box countdown
- Assign buttons when the button is released, not pressed.
Should fix issues where continuously pressed buttons prevent button
assignment from working
- RF2 - added ignore-blue-flags warnings
- R3E - added 'box, next tyre compound' voice command to cycle
through available tyre types in the pit menu (see R3E Pit Menu
Interactions section)
- R3E - added TireLoad data to WebHud export and incremented version number
- R3E - corrected opponent tyre mapping for F1 and GroupC cars
- R3E - make use of pit menu data to provide more control over
pit menu - added voice commands like "box, change front tyres only",
and "box, don't fix aero". See R3E Pit Menu Interactions section here
and in Help, or detailed forum post for more information
- A few minor fixes
- Prevent the app spamming the console window with errors when
something fails on every tick (should prevent crashes when something
goes wrong)
- In 'keep quiet' mode (e.g. after telling the app to "shut
up") it really does keep quiet - even high priority messages are blocked
- only the spotter messages continue to play (these can be blocked with
the "don't spot" command). If you want the old behaviour back, where
'keep quiet' mode still allows high priority messages to play, enable
the "Play important messages when silenced" option
- Added a UI to add voice messages to the list of available
button actions so you can easily assign a button to what would have been
a voice command - press the 'Add / remove actions' button on the main
screen to access this
- Added some missing validation on the good / bad start messages
- Fixed app hang when using Trigger Word speech recogntion with nAudio
- Allow nAudio speech recognition input device sample rate, bit depth and channel count to be set in Properties
- Added some additional checks to prevent gap messages being played immediately after an overtake
- AC: don't load opponents into the speech recogniser once a race has started (should reduce CPU spikes in online races)
- AC: fixed inaccurate laps-remaining data
- iRacing - fixed some missing messages
- Various bug fixes and some code tidying up
- Start listening as soon as the radio channel button is
pressed, instead of waiting for the beep to finish playing - should make
the speech recognition a little easier to use
- iRacing - revised fuel calculations in races with driver
swaps to use highest per-lap consumption - should fix refuelling being
wildly inaccurate due to missing consumption data when your team mate is
driving the car
- iRacing & R3E - extended the speech recogniser to
include opponent car numbers - you can now ask for opponent data using
car number, e.g. "what's car number 10's best lap time", or "where is
car number ninety nine". To use this, enable the "Identify opponents by
car number" property. Note that for iRacing car numbers may have leading
zeros - in cases where a given number appears more than once in the
session (with and without leading zeros), the speech recogniser will
expect the leading zeros to be used in the command (i.e. car number 021
can be referred to as "zero twenty one", "oh twenty one", "zero two one"
or "zero twenty one" in all cases, and "twenty one" or "two one" only
if there's no other car in the session with number 21)
- iRacing - Allow car numbers with leading zeros to be read by
the full course yellow / formation lap code (e.g. car 009 will now be
read as "zero zero nine")
- Reduce the maximum frequency of opponent tyre change
messages to prevent spamming when many cars pit for different tyres at
the same time
- Fix for some potential start up issues
- Fixed toggle_mute button function not working properly
- RF2 - new plugin version and some additional DRS messages
- Hotfix for spotter being always set to 'ovals' mode on road
courses (missing beeps, some other changes - sorry guys). Ovals mode
will now only be enabled on ovals, as intended
- Fixed nAudio beeps not responding to volume changes
- Added new button binding for 'Toggle mute' - mutes all app sounds and unmutes when pressed again
- Change spotter behaviour on ovals to prevent the spotter
monopolising the radio channel (non-spotter messages aren't blocked all
the time). This disables the radio beeps on ovals and starts
spotting immediately on race start. Note this affects oval tracks only.
You can revert to the old spotter behaviour by disabling the 'Enable
enhanced spotter on ovals' property
- Fixed some button assignments not working until the app was restarted
- Fixed broken pit stall count down
- Fixed some broken validation that was preventing gap ahead and gap behind messages playing in some circumstances
- Fixed broken 'play corner names' command
- Allow voice commands that refer to opponent cars (e.g.
"what's the car ahead's last lap time") to be assigned to buttons - you
need to add opponentDataCommand: true to the buttonAssignment element in
controllerConfigurationData.json in these cases
- Prevent fuel estimates playing too close together
- fixed cases where the app switches to multi-class mode when
it shouldn't - when there are too many unknown car classes in a session
the app now reverts to single-class mode as intended
- AMS / RF1 - update race start positions shortly after the
green light - should fix cases where the 'bad start' message was playing
when it shouldn't
- Hotfix for iRacing crash bug
- Allow fuel consumption calculations to be based on the lap
with the highest representative fuel usage - this should produce more
accurate fuel calculations on ovals and in cases where there's just been
a full-course-yellow / caution period or other event that can
significantly reduce fuel consumption. By default the app will use max
per-lap consumption on oval courses and a windowed average consumption
on road courses. Enable 'Base fuel calculations on max fuel consumption'
property to use max per-lap consumption on all tracks
- Don't play laptime or pace report for laps which are several seconds slower than your pace
- A few assorted fixes
- R3E - added support for WebHud so Crew Chief can send data
to WebHud in place of dash.exe. This should also be slightly more
efficient that the old dash.exe program. Enable this with the 'Enable
WebHud integration (R3E only)' property
- iRacing - additional messages for formation laps and full course yellows
- iRacing - reworked session position logic to reduce inaccurate position calls
- R3E - added support for new shared memory layout introduced in latest game update
- RF2 - incorporated more stock car rules and added some additional car class mappings
- RF2 - fixed some issues introduced in last RF2 game update
- Some minor bug fixes
- iRacing - map the 'pits are open' flag and added BMW M8 car
data and a couple of Okayama layout corner mappings (still some missing
recordings here)
- RF2 - various tweaks including lone practice support and stock car improvements
- R3E - mapped Sepang and Nordschleife corners (VLN and Nords
layouts only) - might not be very accurate (it's a big track and the
available maps aren't great)
- Don't play lap time comparisons during full course yellow
- Fixed button assignments being ignored when Voice Recognition Mode is set to 'Press and release button'
- Minor bug fixes
- AC: ensure tracks always have 2 or 3 sectors - this
*definitely* fixes long-standing issues with some longer add-on tracks
that report 4 or more sectors
- Fixed nAudio speech recognition
- Some more minor improvements to the controllers code
- Simplified macros file format (removed the per-game key
mappings) and added a UI to allow macros to be created and edited from
the app. Important: if you've created your own macros or have been
helping us test our recent beta releases, please rename
Documents/CrewChiefV4/saved_command_macros.json before starting the app.
See Command Macros section of help.txt for more info
- Re-wrote controllers code to cope with badly behaved devices
(device scans that take many minutes and devices that disconnect and
reconnect during play). Controllers are no longer scanned at start-up
(press Scan for Controllers to initiate a device scan)
- Moved saved button assignments to
Documents/CrewChiefV4/controllerConfigurationData.json. This has been
extended to allow any of the existing basic voice commands to be mapped
to a button - see Button Mappings section in help.txt for more info
- Allow cut track warnings to be enabled / disabled with a
voice command ("enable cut track warning" / "no cut track warnings") or a
button binding ("Toggle cut track warnings on / off")
- Some simple camber and pressure responses using average
inner-middle-outer tyre temps recorded during the previous lap (voice
commands "how are my [front / rear] cambers" / "how's my [left front /
right front / etc.] camber", and "how are my tyre pressures" / "how are
my [front / rear] tyre pressures"). You can also add "...right now" to
this voice command to get the current inner-middle-out temps (not
averaged). Note this isn't well tested, might give bad advice, and
doesn't work with iRacing
- AC - another attempt to fix weird crash on tracks with > 3 sectors
- RF2 - updated plugin to include stock car rules logic and added more stock car (oval) specific messages
- RF2 - added more messages for various penalties and other conditions;
- Automatically scan for controllers on app start
- Better handling of controllers
- Disable some irrelevant messages on in-laps
- RF2 - better (more detailed) penalty messages
- RF2 - updated plugin with more data and additional features
not exposed via official rF2 Internals API. These are turned off by
default - to enable them see 'rFactor2 Unofficial Features' section in
- Tweaked manual rolling start logic for multiclass races, so
each class has its own pole-sitter for determining when to start the
race (can be disabled with the 'Manual formation lap separate classes'
- Significantly reduced the size of debug traces
- Reworked console logging output to fix some potential crash bugs
- iRacing - potential fix for incorrect race start position in multiclass races (this caused quite a few issues)
- Extended free-text macros a little (upper case characters and slash)
- prevent off-track messages expiring immediately in practice sessions
- speech recognition fixes when running with 'disable alternate voice commands' switched on
- automatically save console logs
- iRacing - fixed debug logging on ovals
- RF2 - some bug fixes
- Corrected some car classes for AC and R3E
- RF2 - updated plugin
- RF2 - more accurate pit stall location detection
- Added Billy Strange spotter with latest sound pack update
- Notify when given slowdown penalty
- AC - fix crash when restarting app
- a few minor fixes
- Some fuel calculation tweaks - near the start of the race, use the max per-lap consumption when calculating required fuel
- Save pitstop benchmark times for each car / track / game
combination so they persist between runs of the app (written to
/Documents/CrewChiefV4/pit_benchmarks.json) - this is enabled by default
but can be disabled with the 'Save pitstop benchmark times to disk'
- RF2 - workaround for missing spotter calls after driver swaps (thanks to kcr55 for this one)
- RF2 - use tyre compound name rather than index when deriving
tyre types - should fix issues where mods declare different available
tyre compound sets
- pCars2 - make macro key presses a bit longer so they're less
likely to be missed by the game (note this makes the refuelling macro
execute quite slowly)
- Fixed RF2 tyre type mapping and added Hyper-Soft tyre
- Use correct 'drizzling' sounds
- Added spotter 'Florian' (in latest sound pack update)
- Don't allow some messages to be inserted into the space between spotter messages
- Some work to prevent stale messages being played (e.g. after a delay caused by the spotter)
- Don't play fuel warnings when on a low-fuel run in qualifying or practice
- Prevent some position messages being played twice
- Reduce repetition of some messages
- Ignore rear tyre and brake temperatures in FWD classes
- More internal threading fixes
- A few other tweaks and fixes
- Macro overhaul - more flexible system which should be easier
to work with. Includes example chat macros and an 'add fuel, XXX
litres' macro (where XXX is 0 - 150) (R3E and pCars2 only). See the
'Advanced command macros' section of the help.txt file or
for more info
- Fixed some shutdown delays that can happen when closing the app without pressing 'stop' first
- Fixed radio channel sometimes being left open after a spotter call
- Fixed brake and suspension damage not being reset after repairs
- Added option to play pit box distance messages in feet ('Pit box distance countdown in feet')
- Added option to play a 5-4-3-2-1 style pit box count down
('Pit box time countdown' property, disabled by default). Reaches zero
30 metres from the pit stall by default (configurable with 'Pit box time
countdown end point (metres)' property) - note that this may be
inaccurate if the pit box is close to the start line due to the way lap
distances work when in the pit lane, especially on tracks where the
pitlane is significantly longer or shorter than the racing surface
- Make volume control sliders more fine grained to allow better control over volume
- RF1 / AMS: revised cut track logic - should reduce cut track warnings
- pCars2 - 'request pit' macro now checks the pit request state from the game and responds accordingly
- pCars2 - added "cancel pit request" macro
- Various bug fixes
- Internal overhaul for better performance and stability.
Fixes some threading / resource issues that could cause instability on
shutdown, changes to how the internal event processing works to make it
faster and less resource-hungry, removed 'disable immediate messages'
option as this is no longer needed, reduced CPU overhead in lots of
other places
- Fixed app crash when failing to initialise nAudio background sounds player
- pCars2 - added 'pCars 2 spotter car length' property,
default 5 metres (app was using whatever had been set in the pCars1
version of this property)
- Fix laps-to-go calculation - it's now based on the number of
laps completed by the overall leader so should be correct when you've
been lapped
- Allow for changing conditions when determining the player's
pace and best lap time - comparisons are only made to laps completed in
broadly similar conditions and best lap set in the current conditions is
used when working out things like expected laps remaining and required
fuel loads
- Fixed rounding errors in fuel calculations that could accumulate to substantial amounts
- Use overall fuel consumption when determining how much fuel
to add, rather than recent fuel consumption (the app sometimes
under-fuelled if the player was fuel saving in the laps before his pit
- R3E - fixed some missing state transitions
- pCars2 - use updated RainDensity data for more fine-grained rain calls
- Some performance improvements
- Added support for F1 2018 *spotter only*. This uses the UDP
data stream sent by the game - the app listens on the default port 20777
(can be changed with the 'F1 2018 UDP Port' property). This is an early
implementation so expect some bugs - please report them. Again, it's
only the spotter - the app doesn't interpret any of the other game data
so it won't give other calls or be able to answer any questions. I may
add full support later, but as the crew chief built into the game is
actually pretty good this isn't a high priority
- RF2 - updated plugin to latest version
- Some fuel calculation fixes
- Added fuel-window messge in races which have no mandatory stop but will need a single fuel stop
- Some internal fixes
- Reduced likelihood of yellow flag warnings for cars that have already quit to pits
- iRacing - fixed issues with opening lap data
- Added alarm clock function - say 'set alarm at twenty oh
five', for example or preset it in properties "Alarm time(s). "Enable
alarm clock voice commands" must be enabled before the alarm clock voice
commands works
- Alternate sound pack internal rework
- Mark abandoned laps as invalid
- More ghost detection improvements
- R3E - removed 'confirm penalty' macro as this is no longer needed and can cause issues
- Reworked fuel-to-end reserve calculation - you can now
specify a number of laps worth of additional fuel to add as a reserve
when fuelling to the end of the race. The 'Additional fuel to add to
finish the race (number of laps worth)' property can be a whole or
fractional number of laps
- Various bug fixes
- Enable some of the multiclass warnings in qualifying and practice sessions
- Allow the wait timeout for Trigger Word speech recognition
mode to be set ('Trigger word wait timeout', default 5 seconds). The app
will wait this many milliseconds for a command after hearing the
trigger word before giving up
- Fixed some broken personalisations from the last update (a few of the personalised messages weren't loading)
- iRacing - better 'oval' detection (should prevent the app using oval spotter sounds on some road courses)
- iRacing - allow 'add fuel' voice commands without a unit
(e.g. "pitstop add 12") - will use whatever fuel unit the app is
configured to read fuel amounts in
- Added 'Trigger word' voice recognition mode. With this
enabled voice recognition works a bit like 'OK Google' or Alexa - the
app listens for a special keyword or phrase (configurable in the 'Speech
recogniser trigger word' property, default value 'Chief'). When it
hears the keyword it starts listening for a regular voice command for a
few seconds. This doesn't work with nAudio input
- Some corner name mapping fixes
- Changed default interrupting behaviour so only spotter messages interrupt the Chief
- Only consider rear wheels as locked if both are locked at
the same time in common FWD cars like WTCC and WTCR (prevents the app
warning about locking the unloaded inside rear on turn-in)
- When requesting fuel estimates for a given time or lap
count, the app now reads back the time / lap count you requested along
with the fuel estimate (e.g. "for 25 minutes, we estimate you'll need
about 30 litres")
- R3E: reworked hotlap single practice mode detection - should prevent spotter playing in these game modes
- Various internal fixes
- Fixed a few cases where messages play when they shouldn't
- Reduce repetition of blue flag messages
- RF2 - fix 1970s F1 class mappings
- iRacing - use average temp round track now this has been updated in the SDK to be dynamic
- Prevent unimportant messages playing if the player is
fighting with other cars in a race session or is on a flying lap in a
qualifying session (disabled by default, enable this with the 'Advanced
message prioritisation' option)
- Allow app update check to be skipped - adding the start
argument SKIP_UPDATES to your shortcut will prevent the app checking for
updates (but it'll still check for sound pack updates)
- Report yellow flag messages even if we're in a corner / braking zone
- Various bug fixes and tweaks
- Fixed regression in non-English speech recognition config
files - the 'defaultLocale' property name for speech recognition
language had been changed to 'language', so the app was ignoring this
value in existing configurations. The app will now use the
'defaultLocale' property value if it doesn't find a 'language' property
- Allow spotter messages to play if they have interrupted another message, even if they would otherwise have expired
- iRacing - enable fuel tracking in lone practice sessions
- iRacing - Added option to re fuel to end of race in a race
session when entering the pitlane, this will not trigger if you get a
tow back to pits it only works for regular preformed pitstop!
- iRacing - some multiclass fixes
- pCars2 - performance improvements
- internal rework - consolidated lots of timings code to make behaviour more consistent across games
- Speech recognition engine initialisation improvements -
better handling of language / country options, better management of
installed components and error reporting
- Improvements to interrupting logic
- Various bug fixes
- Added option to pause most messages in braking and cornering
zones (sections of the track starting from heavy braking and ending
with near-full throttle application) - this doesn't apply to spotter
messages or other very high priority messages. It can be enabled and
disabled with a button mapping ('Toggle delay messages on hard parts')
or a voice command ('don't talk in the [corners/braking zones]' / 'no
messages in the [corners/braking zones]', 'talk to me anywhere' /
'messages at any point'). This feature is switched off by default - the
initial state is set with the 'Delay messages on hard parts' option.
Note that you need to drive at least one valid lap before the app can
work out which sections of the track it needs to keep quiet in. This
feature is disabled for ovals and may produce odd results on very short
- Added some basic message prioritisation - higher priority
messages will be inserted into the queue in front of lower priority
- Replaced the 'Spotter and responses block other messages'
property. The spotter (and some 'critical' messages) now interrupt and
block regular messages (most things except voice command responses and
some other important messages) by default. Enable the 'Command responses
and important messages block other messages' to allow other types of
important message (such as voice command responses and yellow flags) to
also interrupt and block messages
- Prevent any further fragments of a message from playing if this message was interrupted
- Simplified pitstop benchmark process - you can now get a
benchmark pitstop time without having to set a hot lap first (although
you'll still need to set one after your stop to allow the app to work
out the time loss)
- A few bug fixes
- Reduce size of 'personalisations' update pack install this update before updating your personalisations
- Much more accurate tyre life prediction using a non-linear
curve fit of tyre wear data recorded for the current tyre set (assumes a
tyre is worn out when it has 5% life left)
- Added more info to the fuel status message - now includes fuel-to-end
- Allow spotter sounds to cancel other queued messages
(disabled by default, enable with 'Spotter and responses block other
messages' property - note this can sound strange when only the start or
end sounds of a message play)
- A few minor tweaks
- iRacing - fix white-flag message spam
- Fixed sound pack version check
- Changed how sound pack downloads are handled - should significantly reduce the size of sound pack updates
- Added property categories to make finding stuff easier
- Added opponent pit exit prediction warning - if the app
thinks an opponent car will probably come out of the pits close to you
(and it can read his driver name), you'll be warned about him
- Further opponent pit exit estimation improvements
- some internal bug fixes
- Fixed opponent time in pitlane when timing opponent stops for pit strategy calls
- Take mandatory pitstop status into account when deriving
expected post-pit opponent positions (assume opponents who still haven't
pitted will pit this lap if we're at the end of the pit window)
- Added and corrected a few car classes (pCars2, iRacing and R3E)
- iRacing - fixed some car class allocation issues
- Improved pit stop exit prediction when opponents are in the pitlane
- Don't reset the fuel data when leaving the pits during a race, unless we've added fuel
- Hotfix for pitstop prediction additions (see previous
release notes). This fixes the wildly inaccurate pit stop time loss
estimates reported by the pitstop benchmark process if you make the
benchmark request too late in the lap (after you've entered the final
- First cut of pit exit prediction - obtain a benchmark pit
time in practice by making the 'time this stop' / 'practice pitstop' /
'time this pitstop' / 'pitstop benchmark' command, or by pressing the
"Pitstop prediction" button before make your practice stop. The pit exit
prediction will play automatically some time after requsting a stop, or
if you make the 'Where will be be after a stop?' / 'Estimate pit exit
positions' / 'What will happen if I pit?' command, or by pressing the
"Pitstop prediction" button during a race (see 'Pit exit position
prediction' section in the readme.txt)
- Disable cold brakes warnings for some car classes
- R3E - detect if this and next laps are invalidated due to cut track in quali/practice
- R3E - disable pit stall position messages in post race
- R3E - improve cut track detection
- R3E - fix best lap time not announced during leaderboard challenge
- AC - fix crashes due to unexpected timings reported by the game
- Suppress crashes when using Naudio Input - (but please send us log file if you get exceptions in log)
- Fix issue where best lap time is lost if it is set after an invalid lap
- Fix incorrect gaps announced if vehicles aren't within the same lap
- Fix DRS messages announced incorrectly if opponent is pitting
- Make 'half fuel' call play at exactly half fuel (was playing a bit too early)
- App wide bug fixes
- Allow pit countdown past session finish (for cooldown lap)
- Don't grumble about a stopped engine if the car is still moving
- Some additional checks to handle delayed opponent position data
- iRacing - improve live position tracking
- iRacing - improve retired vehicle detection
- iRacing - race finish position improvements
- iRacing - finishing position detection improvements
- iRacing - reliability fixes)
- rF2 - suppress pit messages while in garage/monitor
- AC - fixed crash bug on 2-sector tracks
- R3E & pCars2 - use game-provided time gaps to car in front / behind (more accurate than derived gaps)
- R3E - DRS message accuracy improvements
- R3E - removed auto-confirm pit macro and associated logic (no longer needed, and can cause some issues with pitstops)
- R3E - disable spotter in hotlap mode
- Added commands to check self pace, you can ask "how's my
self gap" / "how's my personal pace" / "how's my delta best" to see how
you're doing relative to your own best lap
- iRacing - fixed pit stall countdown
- iRacing - fix finish position reporting
- iRacing - allow pit voice commands to be enabled or disabled
("Enable iRacing pit stop commands", default enabled). Disabling them
removes them from the phrases the speech recognition engine listens for,
potentially improving accuracy for other phrases as well as preventing
false positives
- Added ability to specify if car class has speed limiter via "limiterAvailable" class field
- rF2 - enable pit stall countdown (doesn't work on some tracks, disabled on ovals)
- rF2 - Add option to force Rolling Start start type
- Fixed incorrect car class data in R3E online practice and qualifying sessions
- Logging readability improvements
- Small AMS performance improvement
- Hotfix for Assetto Corsa broken spotter
- AMS off-track warning tweak - make 'kerb' a legal surface to drive on (should make the warnings much less common)
- A few other AMS fixes
- Half distance fuel calculation tweak to make it a little more conservative
- iRacing workarounds for missing opponent data when cars aren't rendered by the game
- A few other iRacing bug fixes
- Some UI tweaks to fix tab ordering and add shortcut keys (underlined on the UI)
- Fixed missing fuel data in RF2
- Added option to specify how much 'reserve' to add when doing
fuel calculations (enable the "Enable tight fuel calculations" property
and set the reserve amount with the "Additional fuel to finish the
race" property)
- Fixed iRacing SoF calculation
- Various minor tweaks
- IMPORTANT FOR IRACING USERS: This release includes changes
to address recent stability issues. Unfortunately we've not had enough
feedback to be sure these have worked. By default the app will continue
to use a component that had been causing crashes - we've modified this
component to fix the crashes but it still needs more testing. If the app
crashes (disappears with an error message popup, taking focus away from
the game) then please tell us. If you experience crashes go to the
Properties screen and disable the 'iRacing faster parser' property
- New RF2 shared memory plugin with better performance
- Reinstated an iRacing crash fix that got lost in a previous update
- Added tyre temperature thresholds for some missing tyre
types (including wets) - should fix incorrect temperature warnings on
wets and some other tyres
- Mapped player tyre type in pCars 2 (note this doesn't support mixed tyre types)
- Fixed an issue with iRacing driver swaps that caused log-spam and performance issues
- iRacing hotfix for crash in mapper
- More detailed error messages
- pCars and pCars2 performance improvements
- iRacing performance improvements
- AC fixes for shorter tracks (2 sectors)
- Fixed inaccurate race position messages in iRacing 'checkered flag' phase
- Some iRacing stability improvements
- Use relative lap time difference when working out when to
give multi-class warnings. This uses 2 new Properties - 'Multi-class
slower car warning time' and 'Multi-class faster car warning time' -
this is the approximate average amount of notice you want the app to
give you when approaching a different class car
- Added iRacing voice commands to get out of car ('get out')
and get the average SoF ('what's the sof' / 'what is the strength of
- For Assetto Corsa, only allow multi-class races if the
number of unknown car models does not exceed property 'Max unknown car
models in ACS multi-class races' (default 0) - this is necessary because
Assetto doesn't expose proper class data. This prevents the app
dividing participants into different classes unless the app recognises
all the car models in the session
- Workaround for iRacing opponent pitting message spam
- Minor multi-class tweaks
- Assume single class if most car classes in a race are unknown to the app (AC, rF2 and rF1 only)
- Added button to save console output to a file (in Documents/ CrewChiefV4/debug/)
- Some AC internal fixes for inaccurate lap count data
- Don't give damage and tyre wear responses in iRacing
- Added Lee spotter and updated Geoffrey spotter to add missing oval sounds (in latest sound pack update)
- Major internal overhaul to fully support multiclass races -
opponents and positions are now tracked correctly for the player's car
class, the app doesn't make calls about opponent laptimes, pitting, and
other stuff if they're not in the same class as the player
- Added multi-class specific messages for when you're lapping or being lapped by other classes
- Added multi-class specific voice commands "is the car ahead
in my class", "is the car behind my class", "what class is the car
ahead", "what class is the car behind" and variations
- More performance improvements
- Speculative fixes for driver swaps in iRacing
- Fixed 'enable driver names' flag being ignored for some messages
- Added optional pit box countdown (R3E and iRacing only, disabled by default - enable with property "pit_box_position_countdown")
- rF2 improvements: improved rolling start detection and
distance to safety car detection, in SCR mode Crew Chief now respects
DoubleFileType value and will announce last FCY lap Frozen Order
instructions correctly
- Added option to change left/right side tyres(iRacing only)
- Modified R3E pit macros to take advantage of modify pit menu
behaviour (should make the pit macros, particularly the auto-confirm
pit actions, more reliable)
- Retrieve gap ahead / gap behind as late as possible when playing gap messages to improve accuracy
- Made auto-refuel ("fuel to the end" macro in R3E and
"pitstop fuel to the end" command in iRacing) a bit more conservative -
more so at longer tracks
- Added messages for oil and fuel pressure warnings (iRacing only)
- Added messages for stalling the engine
- Added messages when you crash very heavily - the app will
ask if you're OK and, if you're using voice commands, wait for you to
respond (these can be disabled with the "Enable crash messages" option
in Properties)
- Only use start-line track temperature in pCARS to prevent the app calling local track temp variations
- Allow multi-class support to be disabled ("Force single
class" property) - useful if you're playing with 3rd party content that
has incorrect car class IDs
- More performance improvements
- Prevent the app's windows being resized such that controls
are no longer visible (this behaviour can be disabled by unchecking the
"Force minimum window size" property)
- Don't play 'good pass' message in pCARS 2 if we've just collided with someone (might still need some tuning)
- Some minor performance improvements
- Fixed issues with historical weather data being lost
- pCARS 2 pit window fixes (again...)
- Fixed missing DQ / DNF session end messages
- Fixed mid-point fuel report saying "fuel looks good" when it clearly isn't good
- Fixed 'box this lap' messages playing in pCARS2 even though the player had completed his mandatory stop
- Some pCARS2 off track warning tweaks
- Reworked R3E opponent lap invalidation code - should prevent the app incorrectly invalidating opponent laps
- Speculative fix for session end being 1 lap too late for iRacing fixed number of lap races
- Added voice command to get and estimate of how much fuel is
needed to finish the race - "how much fuel to the end" / "how much fuel
do we need"
- Added voice command to get an estimate of how long the tyres
will last (in minutes for timed sessions, laps for fixed lap number
sessions) - "how long will the tires last" / "how long on these tires" /
"how long will these tires last"
- Added check to prevent a stopped car triggering incident warnings repeatedly
- Added ability to set pit fuel amount in iRacing - "pitstop
fuel to the end" / "pitstop fuel to the end of the race" - and via a
macro in R3E and pCARS2 - "fuel to the end" / "fuel to the end of the
race". See the 'Advanced command macros' section of the help.txt file or
this detailed forum post
for more info (please read the documentation before using this in R3E
or pCARS2 as it requires the default in-game pit strategy to be
configured in a particular way, and is quite fragile - use at your own
- Immediately close the pit menu in R3E after running a macro
if we're close to the pit entry (if the menu is left open when you cross
the limiter line, the auto-confirm macro will fail)
- If sound pack downloads fail, retry with the other server - should fix issue that prevented some users downloading sound updates
- Don't make Assetto Corsa spotter calls when viewing replays
- Derive opponent laptimes and sector 3 times in Raceroom
instead of using data provided by the game as the data provided by the
game are always 1 lap out of date
- Reworked some of the sector gap logic
- Reduce frequency of repeated "the next car is..." messages
- Fixed some issues in pCARS 2 session end detection and pre-start message triggering
- Disable pcars2 spotter in pits
- Some minor performance improvements
- Hotfix to prevent some stock car rules messages triggering when they shouldn't
- Don't read lap times or gaps if we're under full course yellow
- Added possible track cut warning for pCars2
- Added support for rF2 StockCarRules plugin, CC will now
announce Lucky Dog, Wave Around, EOLL messages. To enable make sure you
enable the "Use American terms" option, disable StockCarRules plugin in
rF2, and set "EnableStockCarRulesPlugin":1 for
"rFactor2SharedMemoryMapPlugin64.dll" - see this detailed forum post for more information
- Add option to disable pit state announcement during FCY in rF2 and rF1/AMS
- Disable brake temp messages on ovals
- Fixed pit macros not working for some R3E players
- Prevent some messages playing when they're not appropriate or no longer relevant
- Some internal fixes
- Fixed AC plugin after game update - the app should ask if you want to update the plugin when you first launch it in AC mode
- More fixes to the manual rolling start logic
- iRacing session transition crash fix
- Some car class tweaks
- Added nAudio speech recognition code to allow voice
recognition input device selection (enable with property "Use nAudio for
speech recognition" - thanks to Daniel Nowak for this one)
- Disable sector delta messages on ovals and use more generous spotter parameters
- Corrected some pCARS 2 track names that got changed in the last pCARS 2 patch
- Disable some irrelvant sounds when racing on ovals
- Work around for some missing spotter sounds
- A few internal fixes
- Changed personalisations download process to reduce bandwidth use
- Fixed a serious regression in multi-class race position tracking (sorry for the double release guys...)
- Added more variety to race finish messages
- Make default R3E pit macro pause a while before closing menu
- Warn when an opponent car is exiting the pits
- A few other minor bits and bobs
- Experimental support for double-file manual rolling starts
(R3E, pCARS2 & AC only - enable with "Manual formation lap
double-file start" property)
- Fixed arrow keys and some other keys not being released when used in command macros
- iRacing rally cross fixes
- More Formula E battery tracking logic and messages
- Split some longer voice command responses so if you want to
hear more, you have to ask ("more information" / "more info" /
"clarify") - currently only implemented for Formula E battery messages,
but will be extended. If you want all the information in a single long
response without having to ask for clarification, enable "Verbose
messages" property
- Added missing RF1 / AMS blue flag override ("Enable AMS / rF1 blue on slower" property
- Some internal fixes
- Fixed some nAudio bugs that meant the radio beeps were being sent to the wrong audio device
- Added Hong Kong track mappings (RF2 Formula E pack)
- Added voice command to get player incident count ("how many
incidents do I have" / "what's my incident count") and session incident
limit ("what's the incident limit") - iRacing only
- Added voice command to get player licence ("what's my licence class") and iRating ("whats my iRating") - iRacing only
- Added voice command to get opponent licence ("what's [the
guy in front's / the leader's / p10's / Bob's] licence class") and
iRating ("what's [the guy in front's / the leader's / p10's / Bob's]
iRating") - iRacing only
- Fixed tyre temperature thresholds on some R3E car classes
- Battery monitoring bug fixes
- Reworked battery status message (response to voice command/button command), added battery use increase/decrease detection
- Added pit stop related messages for pCARS2
- Some internal bug fixing
- Allow spotter sounds ("car left" etc.) to have their volume
scaled relative to the other voice messages (property
- Added battery related logic for electric cars (RF2 Formula E)
- Fixed some performance issues when using nAudio playback
- Some internal sound player rework and bug fixing
- Added "TTS volume boost" - by default the TTS sounds are now
played at 2x volume, which balances them better with the the other
- Added TTS trim start and trim end properties to remove silence from TTS sounds
- Added "Only use TTS when there is no alternative" option.
When set to 'true' (the default) the app will drop messages or use
generic terms to refer to opponents when it doesn't have a driver name
recording. It will use TTS for driver names only if the message is
considered essential (when e.g. responding to "who's in front?" voice
command). The recommended TTS configuration is now to enable TTS, set
"Only use TTS when there is no alternative" to true, set "TTS volume
boost" to 2, "Trim end of TTS sounds" to 600 and "Trim start of TTS
sounds" to 100 - see 'Help and getting started' for more information
- Allow iracing tyre pressure adjustment voice commands to be
made in PSI (when property "iRacing tyre pressure adjustments in PSI" is
true the app assumes you mean PSI)
- Fixed broken voice recognition for "who's ahead", "who's behind" and "who's leading" commands
- Added Ross spotter to latest sound pack
- Allow iRacing fuel to be added in gallons
- Work-around for R3E missing sector number updates when cars
exit to pits (should fix a lot of inaccurate calls in practice and
- Fixed mute not working properly in nAudio mode
- Simplified track landmark generation (see Help)
- Some internal bugfixes
- Improvements to speech recogntion accuracy
- Integrated nAudio library for sound playback which allows
you to choose play back devices for messages and background sounds
(disabled by default - enable this with the "Use nAudio for playback"
option) - this also allows the app to play back at higher volumes
- Added lots of iRacing pit commands (see the voice commands section in Help)
- Lots of iRacing bug fixes
- Added a new spotter (Micha - in the latest sound pack)
- Opponent to player delta bug fixes (all games)
- Added macros for some iRacing black-box interactions
- Added new Pace Notes feature for recording and playing back user-created pace notes (see Help)
- Fixed arrow keys not working for macros
- Fixed a few minor lap time reporting issues
- Lots of iRacing fixes
- Better UI handling of sound pack downloads (app should no longer appear to hang while unpacking sounds)
- Announce retired and DQ'ed drivers in RF2
- Fixed stale driverID in iRacing
- Minor bug fixes - Mark out laps as invalid in R3E (should
prevent stale lap time calls at the end of an out lap), RF2 pre-lights
and overtake messages and track landmark mapping getting lost on session
restart, pCARS 2 pit exit messages
- Better pruning of pCARS2 stale and duplicated opponent data
in online sessions (hacks adapted from pCARS1 to work around bugs
inherited from pCARS1)
- Added opponent retired and opponent disqualified messages (pCARS2 / R3E) - will be enabled with next sound pack update
- R3E and pCARS2 car and track mapping fixes
- Fixed an issue in the speech recogniser where grammars were
initialised multiple times, reducing recognition accuracy - this should
make the recogniser work more reliably
- Fixed an issue in R3E and AC where a invalidated in sector 3 could cause stale best-lap data to be announced
- Remove opponents who are reported as DNF / DQ / DNS in R3E
- Added experimental option 'Disable alternative voice
commands' (disabled by default). Enabling this will force the speech
recogniser to only load the first command from each row in
speech_recognition_config.txt. Instead of recognising any of "who's
leading", "who's in the lead", "who is leading", "who is in the lead",
or "who's the leader" the app will only recognise the first in the list -
"who's leading". This will limit the number of phrases the recogniser
understands and *may* improve recognition accuracy
- More iRacing bug fixes, mostly around session state tracking
- Improved default pCARS2 command macros (massive thanks to Belaki on the pCARS forums)
- Fixed pCARS2 pit window end message playing when it shouldn't
- RF2 bug fixes
- Added overall damage report - triggered by voice command ("damage report / how's my car / is my car ok") or button assignment
- Added session status report (race time remaining, pit
status, gaps etc.) - triggered by voice command ("session status / race
status") or button assignment
- Added car status report (damage, fuel, tyres etc.) - triggered by voice command ("car status") or button assignment
- Added combined status status report (session status + car
status report) - triggered by voice command ("full update / full status /
update me") or button assignment
- Added a few more messages
- Corrected and added some corner mappings
- Added function to read corner mappings for the current lap
(activated with a button assignment or voice command "read corner names"
/ "corner names" / "tell me the corner names")
- More iRacing beta updates
- Tweaked overtake message probability
- iRacing beta
- pCARS2 beta (shared memory only - UDP isn't ready)
- Pit command macros beta (example implementations for R3E and
pCARS2 included - see the "Command macros" section at the end of the
Help file, and saved_command_macros.json in the app's installation
- Fixed lap time issues in AC (caused by the laptime not being sent to the app at the same time as the new-lap notification)
- Extended support for RF2 StockCar rules plugin
- More car class and track mapping data
- RF2 opponent pit detection and additional pit messages
- Mute the background sound when you talk to the chief
- Block all messages when you're talking to the chief (optional - use property "Block messages when talking to the Chief")
- Small improvements and bugfixes for RF2, PCars, AC and R3E
- Attempt to predict when it might rain for pCARS and pCARS2
(shared memory only, enabled by default - use property "Enable PCars
rain prediction using CloudBrightness" to disable). Note this uses
changes in reported CloudBrightness value and is quite inaccurate
- RF2 fixes - fixed low fuel message playing when it
shouldn't, fixed European versions of full course yellow messages not
playing on new installs
- RF2 DRS support
- RF1 / AMS and RF2 cut track warnings
- RF2 full-course-yellow, standing start and rolling start order messages (pace line, grid box, left / right column)
- R3E opponent laptime validation fix - should prevent the app playing some incorrect opponent laptimes
- Don't play aero damage if the rest of the car is knackered
- Fixed first lap out of pits massively skewing fuel consumption estimate
- Some other random fixes
- Fixed broken PCars2 oval track mapping - should now
correctly call 'car low' / 'car high' on ovals for all spotters except
- Added some Project Cars 2 stuff - game type, launch options, and a couple of initial track mappings
- Fixed some incorrect tyre temperature warnings
- Updated Assetto Corsa plugin to be compatible with latest AC update
- Added "Block messages when talking to the chief" option -
this prevents any messages being played while you're making a voice
- Some fuel consumption calculation fixes
- R3E 64Bit support
- Added voice command to tell you (once the data is availalbe)
what the relative performance difference is between different tyre
types based on the best lap in the session for tyre type - e.g. "Softs
are about 0.4 seconds faster than Mediums, Mediums are about 1.2 seconds
faster than Hards". The voice command is "Give me tyre pace
differences", "What are the tire speeds?" / "Whats the difference
between tires?" / "Compare tire compounds" (R3E and RF2 only)
- Added opponent tyre type info when they leave the pits after changing tyre type (R3E and RF2 only)
- More RF2 race end detection fixes
- Added Imola corner mappings for R3E
- fixed race start message being repeated on manual rolling starts
- Some additional checks to prevent mandatory pitstop messages playing during or after you've completed your stop
- Compatibility fixes for new Raceroom shared memory layout
- Map to new Raceroom tyre types - you can ask "what tyres is [opponent name] on?", or "what tyres am I on?"
- Better sound pack update mechanism - wastes less bandwidth
- Added "minimise to tray" and "start minimised" options.
Minimise to tray places a Crew Chief icon in the system-tray when you
minimise the app, with a right-click menu contain commonly used
functions. The app can be started minimised if desired
- Added a new fuel calculation command ("calculate fuel for
[x] [laps / minutes / hours]" / "how much fuel do i need for [x] [laps /
minutes / hours]" / "how much fuel for [x] [laps / minutes / hours]") -
for example, "how much fuel do I need for twenty minutes?". Assuming
the app's had the chance to record your fuel usage over at least one lap
(the more the better), it'll estimate how much fuel you'll need for the
requested number of laps / time based on your average consumption. IMPORTANT:
if you use this to set your fuel load in a timed race you MUST add
extra fuel to account for the lap you need to finish after the race
timer reaches zero. The app WILL NOT DO THIS FOR YOU - if you put in
exactly 20 minutes worth of fuel for a 20 minute race you'll run out on
the last lap
- Only allow manual formation lap mode to supress messages in
race sessions (fixes missing messages in practice and qual with manual
formation lap mode enabled)
- Fixed session end detection in RF2 / AMS / RF1 - the app
should also detect when you click 'next session' without clicking 'end
session' first
- Fixed some issues in the fuel use tracking logic
- Fixed initialisation errors in TTS engine which prevented the app from starting when "Use TTS for missing names" was enabled
- added option to select where the race starts on a manual
formation lap - "Manual formation 'go' when leader crosses line". If
this is true (the default) the app assumes that the race starts and cars
are allowed to overtake as soon as the leader crosses the start line.
If it's false, the app assumes that no one is allowed to overtake until
they cross the start line
- Added some RF1 session identifier fixes - should correct a
few issues caused by the app thinking the race was actually qualifying.
- Fix for some settings getting corrupted on system which use a
comma as a decimal separator - this causes some spotter and voice
recognition issues. If you have already encountered this, please reload
the app's default settings
- Added manual formation lap support. This supresses most
messages on lap 1 and plays an alternate sequence of start messages - it
assumes you're not allow to pass until you cross the start line. This
mode can be activated and deactivated with a button press ("Toggle
manual formation lap mode") or a voice command (enable with "this is the
formation lap" / "formation lap" / "rolling start", disable with
"standing start" / "no formation lap").
- Some fuel use calculation fixes
- Spotter fixes
- Added optional radio beeps for when the spotter or the Chief
interrupt each other. "Insert beep-out between Spotter and Chief" plays
the close-channel beep after the chief / spotter has finished, and
"Insert beep-in between Spotter and Chief" (the default) plays the
open-channel beep before the chief / spotter interrupts. The spotter and
chief use different beep sounds here, and these options can be combined
if you want 2 beeps (close then open) when interrupting
- Attempt to delete corrupted settings and force the app to restart if they can't be processed
- Don't play fuel consumption estimate if it's 0 litres per lap
- RF2 plugin fixes for car damage issues in online races
- Fixed spotter logic where it would consider 2 cars along side to be "3 side", even if those cars were one behind the other
- Use oval spotter messages (inside / outside) when on known oval tracks, if the selected spotter has these sounds
- Tweaked spotter enable / disable sound to be a bit more appropriate for non-default spotter voice packs
- Fixed broken sector 3 time deltas in Project Cars
- Fixed Assetto Corsa pit window open calculation for sessions with a fixed number of laps
- Fixed a crash bug when starting the app with no sound pack
- Added dropdown to main screen to allow a different spotter voice to be selected
- Added Geoffrey Lessel's awesome spotter sounds - these are
in the latest sound pack. Select "Geoffrey" from the new 'Spotter voice
pack' menu
- Fixed a couple more spotter bugs
- Added button binding to get fuel status (consumption and
fuel remaining). The "how's my fuel?" voice command now reports the
consumption as well as the remaining fuel
- More Scoops-Brand RF2 corner mappings
- Fixed some spotter bugs
- Added searching to Properties screen to make it a little less user-hostile
- Replaced the nasty underscore_property_names with proper names on the Properties screen
- Substantial RF2 plugin rewrite
- Attempt to map game data if we detect the PCars2 exe - this does (apparently) work but expect some bugs and issues
- Ported some fixes from the PCars Android app - some free
practice session improvements, more aggressive pruning of broken driver
data, better (hopefully...) method of identifying player's data so
monitoring other drivers shouldn't confuse the app
- Overhauled internal sound handling to make the app behave better
- Use game-provided mandatory pitstop data where available
(should fix app thinking you've completed your mandatory pitstop when
the game thinks otherwise)
- Some more car and track mappings from Scoops
- Added 'three wide you're on the left' and 'three wide you're
on the right' to the spotter - optional, disabled by default
(spotter_enable_three_wide_left_and_right in the Properties screen)
- Added voice command to get info about the car in front /
behind is slower / faster than you - "where should I attack" / "where am
I faster" / "where can I attack" or "where should I defend" / "where am
I slower" / "where is he faster" / "where will he attack"
- Mapped Watkins Glen for PCars
- A few bug fixes
- Added fuel use per lap response - "what's my fuel usage" / "what's my fuel consumption" / "what's my fuel use"
- Faster start up times
- Better CPU usage
- Some internal fixes
- more of Scoop's corner mappings (recordings still to be done)
- Fixed some RFactor and RFactor2 issues
- Added a few more track location mappings (thanks again Scoops)
- Disabled 'incident ahead' in R3E while I resolve the false-positives
- Added a big set of corner name and location data thanks to Scoops' hard work
- Overhauled yellow flag logic for sector yellows and local yellows
- Read times accurate to hundredths of a second in some circumstances
- Added oval-specific behaviours (enabled per-track with a
flag in trackLandmarks.json) - ignores brake and left side tyre temps,
estimates tyre wear from right side tyres only
- Added an experimental 'realistic mode' option - enabling
this supresses some messages based on car class and track (e.g. spotter
is off at start of session when not on ovals, older car classes have
less telemetry based info like tyre temps) - this is very much 'work in
progress'; added per-car class behaviours for yellow flag phrasing (e.g.
pace car vs safety car) and last lap message (e.g. "white flag" for
last lap only applies to Indy and NASCAR cars)
- Added 'force update check' button
- Fixed AC plugin after 1.14 update
- Fixed a silly bug in the legacy R3E blue flag detection (used when flag rules are disabled)
- Automatically switch between yellow and blue flag implementations in R3E depending on whether flag rules are enabled in-game
- Added some more incident calling and yellow flag options
- Added button mapping and voice command to suspend and enable
yellow flag messages - enable with "give me yellows", "tell me
yellows", "give me incident updates" or "give me yellow flag updates".
Disable with "no more yellows", "stop incident updates", "don't give me
yellows" or "don't tell me yellows"
- Fixed the "where is Bob?" voice message response in qual and practice sessions
- Added R3E Mantorp Park (long), Norisring and Sachsenring corner data
- A bit more R3E flag tweaking
- Skip 'dead' opponent data copies coming from PCars (should fix a few issues with inaccurate opponent data)
- Added R3E Hungaroring corner data
- Made opponent incident detection less sensitive and added an option to disable it (enable_simple_incident_detection)
- Reworked opponent lap and sector handling to fix incorrect sector time and pace reports (all games)
- Tweaked R3E yellow flag reporting to allow status changes to settle before reporting
- Some more Raceroom flag calling tweaks - should be less noisy but may miss rapidly changing flag situations
- Added RF2 'stock car' mode (sound recordings to follow)
- Added R3E Nurburgring GP corner data
- Some Raceroom flag calling tweaks
- Initial support for Raceroom yellow flag implementation and revised shared memory layout
- A few minor bugs fixes
- Delay lead change messages slightly and validate before playing
- Fixed error when working out where a pileup has occurred
- Fix crash bug in PCars with UDP data
- Added installer for game specific plugins (AC, AMS / RF1 and
RF2) - the app now offers to copy the required plugin files to the
games' install directory if they're missing or out of date
- extended incident reporting logic and sounds to allow for
multiple involved drivers to be reported (if we have the driver name
sounds) or 'pileup' warning if 4 or more drivers are stopped in the same
- added more corner names
- opponent tracking fixes for PCars
- loads and loads of bugfixes and improvements
- Temporary hack to reduce wheel locking sensitivity - hopefully will prevent false-positives while I work out a better algorithm
- Temporary hack to reduce wheel spin sensitivity - hopefully will prevent false-positives while I work out a better algorithm
- fixed Assetto Corsa pit window calls being 1 lap out
- New Python module for Assetto Corsa - please replace your
...\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\apps\python\CrewChiefEx\ folder
with the new one in the app's install folder
- New plugin for RF2 - please replace your existing
with the new one in the app's install folder
- Added corner names to some calls on several tracks (this is will a work-in-progress)
- Revised RF2 and AMS opponent data handling to fix missing gap messages
- More work on AMS session end bugs
- Added better reporting of yellow flags for AMS and RF2 - the
app will sometimes tell you who's involved in the incident and what
corner the incident is in
- Added simple incident reporting for known corners in R3E, AC and PCars
- Added attack / defend calls for known corners (note these messages don't play often - this is intentional)
- Added brake locking and wheel spin reporting for known corners
- RF2 timing accuracy improvements
- Added Assetto Corsa damage reporting
- Lots of minor bugfixes and improvements
- Fixed AMS multi-class support and added some AMS car classes
- Corrected AMS session end logic - should prevent session end messages playing until you complete your lap
- Reworked AMS opponent lap time handling
- Don't play 'chequered flag' message in race sessions
- Fixed messages not playing in unlimited timed sessions
- Some random bug fixes
- Sort the game list alphabetically for the hard-of-thinking
- Fixed pcars timed sessions
- Fixed broken personalisations (oops)
- Fixed broken settings preventing changes to any setting from being saved
- Integrated personalisations - the app will ask you to
download a new "Personalisations" sound pack. When this is complete the
"My name" drop down box (top right) has a long list of names the app can
use when addressing you. This replaces the old method of manually
unpacking a prefixes_and_suffixes folder to the app's sounds
- Work-around for Assetto Corsa sometimes giving out of date position information
- Disable multi-class code for RF1 based games because the
vehicle type data from Automobilista is too vague (things like "Ford"
and "Peugeot")
- Ported RF2 full course yellow and sector-specific yellow flag announcements to Automobilista
- Removed irrelvant pit window messages from RF1 based sims -
in offline sessions, if a pit schedule is defined the app will call "box
now" in accordance with this schedule (assuming equal stint lengths) -
this can be disabled with enable_ams_pit_schedule_messages property
- Fixed cut track warnings playing on out laps in Automobilista
- Major overhaul of time reading (English sound pack - users of the Italian sound pack are unaffected)
- Added RF2 caution period and yellow flag events
- Scan for controllers only on request (press the "Scan for
controllers" button to update the app's list of controllers) - this also
improves the app's startup time
- Fixed Assetto Corsa missing race start after 1.12 patch
- Added chequered flag message for timed sessions (still some issues here with PCars)
- Reworked PCars session end detection; added controller bindings for message volume up / down
- Added some simple help text (much much more needs to be added to this)
- Externalised car class definitions (first version - lots more work to do here)
- Lots of bug fixes
- First cut of RF2 support, thanks to The Iron Wolf. This
needs an additional .dll plugin for RF2 - see
- Updated some Raceroom car classes
- Some controller cleanup tweaks
- Fixed controllers initialisation bug which should fix very slow (2-3 minutes) startup time for some users - thanks Tako
- Only cancel pre-lights messages on throttle application when using 'play_pre_lights_messages_until_cancelled' option
- Added option to disable yellow flags in Assetto Corsa, and made them a little less frequent
- Some Assetto Corsa opponent position fixes to work around issues with disappearing opponents in online races
- Fixed some issues with pre-lights messages
- Reworked pre-lights message logic (optional) - app will play
race session messages while you're on the grid until the throttle /
brake / clutch is pressed, then it'll play the 'get ready' message. This
can be enabled by selecting 'play_pre_lights_messages_until_cancelled'
option on the Properties screen
- Some driver name mapping fixes
- Added more tyres for Assetto Corsa
- Fixed missing 'standby' response delay
- Reduced pre-lights message queue length
- some Italian translation support fixes
- "How are my tyre temps" and "How are my brake temps" now give the status (hold / good / cold) rather than the actual temps.
- Fixed AC spotter being disabled at the start of each lap.
- Fixed crash when selecting AC as the game type if the previous game type was AMS.
- Started wiring up AC tyre wear / temp data (just GT3 class so far).
- Added missing AMS, RF1, GSC, FTruck and Copa de Marcas command line parameter game selection
- Final version of Assetto Corsa Python module. IMPORTANT:
remember to update the CrewChiefEx Python app from this new release
(copy the CrewChiefEx folder from the app's install location to
- Minor Assetto Corsa fix in Python module. IMPORTANT:
remember to update the CrewChiefEx Python app from this new release
(copy the CrewChiefEx folder from the app's install location to
- More Assetto Corsa additions. IMPORTANT: remember to update
the CrewChiefEx Python app from this new release (copy the CrewChiefEx
folder from the app's install location to
- More Assetto Corsa additions. IMPORTANT: remember to update
the CrewChiefEx Python app from this new release (copy the CrewChiefEx
folder from the app's install location to
- More Assetto Corsa additions (no changes to the CrewChiefEx python app in this revision).
- More Assetto Corsa additions and fixes including some
performance improvements. IMPORTANT FOR ASSETTO CORSA USERS: remember to
update the CrewChiefEx Python app from this new release (copy the
CrewChiefEx folder from the app's install location to
.../Steam/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/apps/python/). Note that sector
times in multi-player are not yet accurate, and that player needs to
drive 1 lap in single-player before sector gaps have been recorded.
- Added missing Python plugin for Assetto Corsa. Copy the
CrewChiefEx folder from Crew Chief's installation location to
/Steam/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/apps/python and activate the plugin
- First cut of Assetto Corsa support courtesy of Sparten - this is a work-in-progress
- Added blue flag max trigger distance (increase this to make the blue flag warnings play when the lapping car is further away)
- Fixed incorrect sector gap reports for rF1
- Fixed session variables not resetting at start of new session for rF1
- Disabled erroneous damage reporting in Hot Lap sessions for rF1
- Fixed erroneous fuel warning messages in non-race sessions for rF1
- Fixed erroneous flags in non-race sessions for rF1
- Added basic invalid lap detection for rF1
- Improved wheel spin/lock detection for rF1
- Fixed 'leader is pitting' message for rF1
- Improved opponent state tracking for rF1 (allows for duplicate AI in grids)
- Adjusted scheduled pit stop notifications to be offline/single player only for rF1
- Adjusted 'pit now' message for scheduled stops to play before passing pit entrance for rF1
- Fixed 'green green green' messages after formation lap for rF1
- Disabled spotter during formation lap for rF1
- Added 'get ready' message during final sector of formation lap for rF1
- Fixed incorrect brake temperatures for rF1
- Improved multi-class race support for rF1
- Added penalty notifications
- Fixed 'the next guy is' message spamming for rF1
- Fixed 'the gap behind is reeling you in' message for rF1
- Fixed opponent lap timing and sector gap reporting for rF1
- Fixed blue flag behavior for rF1
- Adjusted damage reporting for rF1
- Fix session type and session phase detection for rF1
- Improve pit window mapping for rF1
- Add green flag and off-track detection for rF1
- Scheduled pit stop detection for rF1
- Misc bug fixes for rF1
- Fixed tire temp warnings for rF1
- Fixed pit exit traffic notifications for rF1
- Added black flag notification for rF1
- Adjusted blue flag behavior for rF1
- Adjusted invalid lap detection for rF1
- Added ambient temps, track temps, and wind info for rF1
- Added detached wheel info for rF1
- Fixed auto-launch for rF1
- Added separate menu items for Automobilista, Stock Car Extreme, Copa Petrobras de Marcas and Formula Truck
- Adjusted auto-launch options for R3E
- Include more laps in the opponent vs player laptime comparisons during race sessions
- Use lastSectorTime and lapInvalidated data for opponent cars
when in PCars UDP (network data) mode. This makes the opponent lap time
reports accurate as the app doesn't have to time them itself (this data
isn't available in PCars shared memory data). I recommend using UDP
mode for PCars on PC, rather than shared memory
- Fixed PCars practice and qual session data being cleared when pitting (should fix a lot of the inaccuracies in these sessions)
- Pause messages after a "stand by" response
- Fixed Raceroom WTCC 2014 tyre heating thresholds
- Fixed Raceroom BMW M1 tyre heating thresholds
- A few internal tweaks and fixes
- Don't repeat "stand by" or "didn't understand" messages when responding to a "repeat please" voice command
- Fixed 'what time is is' voice command (thanks Gongo)
- Added more logging around UDP packet reception and processing
- Fixed a couple of memory leaks
- Don't play 'no tyre wear' after changing tyres
- Fixed a bug in the gap-ahead logic that was triggering 'keep him under pressure' messages too often
- Added support for secondary driver names mappings file
'additional_names.txt' so the auto-updater doesn't overwrite user-made
changes to names.txt
- Additional validation on R3E sector reports
- Added "what's the fastest lap" and "what time is it" voice
commands (reports session best lap for player class, and current [real
world] time of day)
- A few bug fixes and minor improvements
- Reworked R3E tyre temperature checking to make better use of the core temps provided by the game (for new physics model cars)
- Added ADAC 2015 and F4 RaceRoom classes
- PCars suspension damage threshold tweak
- Damage reporting rework
- Various bug fixes and minor improvements
- Don't play fuel messages while being refuelled
- Don't play wheel spin / locking when in the pits or when we have a puncture or missing wheel
- Fixed best lap and brake damage voice commands
- More frequent opponent gap reports on longer tracks
- Added brake and tyre temp warning on pit exit (when temps
aren't optimal) - these are optional (brake temp warning is on by
default, tyre temp warning is off)
- Some voice commands now trigger a "stand by" response, then a
few seconds later the actual response (optional, enabled by default -
uses "enable_delayed_responses" property)
- Added Raceroom Formula Junior class
- Tweaked Raceroom engine damage thresholds
- Some TTS revisions
- Updated RaceRoom car classes to match new patch
- Some TTS changes so the app should use Microsoft's David voice on Windows 10 (Windows 7 users are stuck with the execrable Anna)
- Some gamer tag to driver name extraction tweaks
- Fixed crash bug when selecting 'alternate beeps'
- Some Project Cars session restart detection changes
- Work in progress text-to-speech for missing driver names
- Added missing position messages for positions greater than 24
- Disable PCars pit window messages by default (can be
re-enabled with the enable_pcars_pit_window_messages setting) - this
only works correctly in offline races
- Revised some of the PCars session-end logic to reduce the
likelihood of the app detecting a session restart when one hasn't
actually taken place. This should also prevent the app from removing
cached laptime data (which results in inaccurate 'best lap' messages)
- More pit window logic fixes for PCars
- Don't play pre-lights messages in PCars when the race is a fixed time
- Fixed 'box this lap' calls being made when there is no mandatory stop, when running PCars in UDP mode
- Fixed some speech recogniser / button handling issues -
"Toggle" mode is now renamed "Press and release button" and actually
- Read the sector times response as a single message per
sector, to allow interrupting and fix an issue with the Italian number
- Fixed missing sector 3 time being read as "zero tenths off the pace"
- Reworked sector delta reporting to provide actual deltas, rather than approximations
- Some changes to the Italian number reader (still work in progress)
- Some bug fixes
- Removed some debug code that shouldn't have made it into the release
- A couple of internal fixes
- Added language-specific sound pack stuff
- Better support for language specific number and time speech generation
- Some internal bug fixing
- Don't play wheel locking warnings if the player has a missing wheel or puncture
- Don't play laptime improving / worsening messages if the conditions have significantly changed (rain or track temp)
- Don't play a message twice in succession if a player asks for something that the app was going to tell them anyway
- Don't play good / OK start messages if the player has picked up a penalty (i.e. false start)
- Insert a short pause between some messages
- Reduce the likelihood of multiple sweary messages being played in quick succession
- Some better error trapping when the app is closed
- Fixed radio channel (hold) button function for PCars network data
- Added some car class data and pit detection points for the PCars Lotus DLC
- Fixed some pit detection issues in PCars; Added option to enable spotter in hot lap (time trial) mode for PCars
- Don't play lap time messages when we're in the pit lane
- Don't complain about worsening lap times if the player has made a pass on this lap
- Major speech recognizer overhaul to allow user customisation
(and translation) - see [installDir]/speech_recognition_config.txt for
- Externalised all UI text - see [installDir]/ui_text.txt for details
- Added some options to number reading - see [installDir]/sounds_config.txt for details
- Fixes to Hot Lap (timetrial) mode in PCars
- Don't trigger flags event when stationary
- A couple of internal bug fixes
- Added some car classes and Bannockbrae track for PCars
- Remove stale opponents in PCars
- Some internal error handling
- Allow messages with optional prefixes / suffixes to play without their prefixes or suffixes
- Tidied up String encoding handling
- Reverted console logging change (after a couple of attempts - hence the version number jump)
- Better selection of sound files from those available for each message - should give less repetition
- Made the console logging a bit more efficient
- Some String encoding rework for PCars. PS4 users should use
UTF-8 for the pcars_character_encoding property, XBox and PC should use
- Added PCars V8 Supercar to car classes (more to come here)
- Fixed last-lap message for R3E timed races (should now work when you're not leading)
- Fixed possible bug in pit detection that could cause repeated messages
- Added 'can you hear me' speech recognition to check it's working (should respond with 'yes, I can hear you')
- Take start position into account when generating race end message
- A couple of internal bug fixes
- A few sound pack tweaks to make the personalisation sounds work a little better
- Renamed UDP network button data option to make it clearer
that this takes button presses from the UDP stream, rather than from the
device directly
- More internal fixes to the radio channel handling logic to
handle a couple of edge-cases where it wasn't closing the channel
- Spotter performance and latency improvements
- Spotter logic fixes for cases where a '3 wide' turns into a 'car left' / 'car right'
- Don't attempt to update and load a new driver name for an existing player if the new name isn't valid / usable
- Tyre temp range tweaks
- Check messages for validity and timeout just before playing them
- Use separate class for each PCars Road car class
- Handle broken PCars string data which had null characters in the middle of the String
- PCars car class handling improvements
- Internal audio handling overhaul - better queue handling,
smarter caching of sound objects, more reliable radio channel state
management (should prevent channel being left open)
- Added support for personalised message prefixes and suffixes
- Spotter fix - reinstated missing width separation check to
prevent spotter calls being made when a car is directly in front /
behind but within the car length parameter
- Internal audio handling overhaul - better queue handling,
more reliable radio channel state management (should prevent channel
being left open)
- Fixed number reading for some numbers
- Fixed DTM 2014 tyre compound error in the 'box now' message
- Validate overtake messages to ensure they're not out of date by the time they're played
- Fixed major regression for Project Cars - hold all internal
Strings as raw byte arrays (which may or may not have a null first
character) and decode them when we need them
- Internal rework for Project Cars to handle String data which
occasionally starts with a null character. Should fix 'missing'
opponents and incorrect car classes
- Major spotter overhaul - changed the way app calculates
opponent speeds, much more accurate. Should make a difference to the
ghost calls
- Overtaking messages tweak - make these a bit more likely
- Increased some brake temp thresholds
- Fixed "what's my best lap time" response
- Stop the autoupdater running when the app starts listening for data
- Added packet rate estimate to console output for PCars Network data
- Fixed startup bug on initial install
- Some fuel useage warning rework
- Fixed overtaking messages in PCars (caused by noise in the opponent speed data - this is now based on a sliding average)
- Fixed baseline engine temperature calculations for RaceRoom
- Corrected brake temp thresholds and engine damage thresholds
- Some internal bug fixes in the spotter and numeric message handling
- Do auto update checks in a background Thread
- Fixed session time left reporting
- Added optional default sound pack installation location override property ('override_default_sound_pack_location')
- Fixed RaceRoom spotter ghost calls at some tracks
- reworked laptime comparisons for practice and qual sessions
- fixed "where's p X" response
- Fixed sound pack installation location - this now uses /Users/[username]/AppData/Local/CrewChiefV4/sounds
- Initial release of version 4. The app now comes packaged as a
single auto-updating .msi installer and includes integrated sound and
driver names pack updating.
- Spotter overhaul
- Brake temp messages fixed
- Car class and driver names for RaceRoom Formula 2 drivers added.
- Added number support up to 99,999
- Added "what are my brake temps" / "what are my tyre temps" response - reads the actual current temps
- Added option to report temps in Fahrenheit