View Full Version : Raceroom no working, open load and closed!

13-01-2022, 17:37
Hi guys,
Crew chief is not working with Racerrom, it opens and when it clicks it closes at the end of the welcome.
I use iRacing and it works fine, even with Racerrom open, when I select Racerrom it's not loading and it closes right away.
tks you all.

12-07-2022, 00:34
In my case it has worked well. Is the App up to date?

Seven Smiles
13-07-2022, 11:13
Current version is but that's about all I get from the screenshot, please read the instructions here (https://mr_belowski.gitlab.io/CrewChiefV4/About_ReportingIssues.html) and upload a log file that may give more information.