View Full Version : GTR2, VR, anitaliasing, nvidiaProfileInspector

03-05-2021, 05:19
Thank you for the VR support you have added to GTR2, it runs beautifully on my Pimax 5K+ headset.

The setup instructions (GTR2 Setup Instructions, Known Issues and Changelog) were easy to follow, the only part that caused me a bit of trouble was setting up antialiasing.
The instructions say:
- The usual GTR2 AA settings still apply in VR. So, if jagged white lines irritate you, consider using NVInspector AA settings:
Antialiasing - Mode – Enhance the application setting
Antialiasing – Setting – 4x Multisampling
Antialiasing – Transparency Supersampling – 4x Sparse Grid Supersampling

Since I'm a bit of a noob, I had trouble figuring out how to download and setup nvidiaProfileInspector, and the advice I found on other forums wasn't always very good.

So for the benefit of other noobs like me, here are the settings that seem to give the best framerate and antialiasing on my system:


The Iron Wolf
04-05-2021, 14:03
Thanks for sharing this, Pimax 5K XR user here too :)

A week ago Retrolux approached me, he is working on a Reshade VR preset for GTR2. Using Reshade will require slightly different settings in the profile, I'll update the main post. In short, you would need to use Diablo III as Antialiasing Compatibility bit, the rest is the same as you posted (I don't think Transparency Multisampling needs to be Enabled).

But even better news is we combined our brainpower and we fixed headlight/shadow flicker on large tracks, so next plugin update will be major improvement :)

13-05-2021, 13:55
That sounds great, will be looking forward to that.

I have been trying to optimize my setup to get better framerates, at the moment I get around 24ms frametime / 70 FPS.
That's totally acceptable, but higher FPS would be even better.

I get the impression that the CPU is the limiting factor, and I have found that setting the CPU affinity to 2,4,6 in Process Lasso reduces stuttering, but other than that I cannot find any other settings that have a major impact on performance.
Does anybody know if there is anything else that can be tweaked to improve the framerate?

The Iron Wolf
13-05-2021, 14:22
That sounds great, will be looking forward to that.

I have been trying to optimize my setup to get better framerates, at the moment I get around 24ms frametime / 70 FPS.
That's totally acceptable, but higher FPS would be even better.

I get the impression that the CPU is the limiting factor, and I have found that setting the CPU affinity to 2,4,6 in Process Lasso reduces stuttering, but other than that I cannot find any other settings that have a major impact on performance.
Does anybody know if there is anything else that can be tweaked to improve the framerate?
Yes, CPU is a problem, as it is in many other VR games that do not utilize Single Pass Stereo. I spent a lot of time understanding what exactly is the costliest, and I found that:

* Choose content that runs well. Your best bet for good VR performance is well optimized content. Very simple test - try 60 car grid, if it is impossible, such content won't run well in VR.
* Keep gtr2.exe memory usage below 3Gb. As you cross 3Gb there's some limitation being hit and performance tanks sharply.
* Lower the Shadows, Headlights, Opponent Details, Reflections and Special Effects (in the order of impact).

But most importantly, you would need to choose good content. HQ Anniversary looks great and runs very well, but some content doesn't look good, yet runs poorly.
I am also constantly looking for ways to speed up VR rendering, but do not hold your breath for major improvements, chances of that are very slim. One thing I will try someday is to allow completely disabling rain reflections, which will help with VR perf in rain.

BTW you don't need process lasso anymore - our plugin supports affinity setting.