View Full Version : Translation into Russian

23-06-2017, 16:35
Hello, my name is Vladimir Yurkin
I will be happy to work with you to translate your CrewChief, if you will allow me. Is it possible? Many Russian racers will be very pleased. We will make the most effort to realize this. Sincerely, Vladimir.

The Iron Wolf
23-06-2017, 16:43
Privet Vladimir,

This is awesome news. Just one suggestion, before beginning, check out how many sounds are there and see if you can commit to project of such a scale. c:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\CrewChiefV4\sounds\

Programmatically, we'll need to do some special changes because as far as I imagine it won't sound natural in Russian to say "last lap was at one fifty six", but it shouldn't be enormous change (of course, we need to check with our CEO).

There's Italian translation somewhere already.

08-04-2021, 11:47
Guys, any luck with the translation?

05-05-2021, 07:47
I know that Dmitry Eniseev Youtube: iSNAIL SimRacer has plans to release his own pack as he done it for an iRacing. But at this point has no info about a progress.

11-05-2021, 18:53
I found his page:
He's got some progress.

I was thinking to make to make the same with professional speakers, but with the names it will be a big project. I don't know how much money it will require.

Dmitry Eniseev (iSNAIL)
05-06-2021, 10:21
I am working on Russian translation. End no earlier than autumn 2021

Dmitry Eniseev (iSNAIL)
05-06-2021, 10:42
But there will be problems with translation. The rules of the English language are very different from the Russian ones. In addition to another sequence of words in Russian, we also have cases. There are 6 of them.
And the difference is in the ending of the plurals.
For example, the word "percent" is translated as "procent", "procenta" (plural), "procentov" (plural).
Example of phrases in Russian:
1 procent
3 procenta
5 procentov
13 procentov
43 procenta

We cannot say "43 procentov" instead of "43 procenta" etc

A Russian-speaking person will understand what is at stake. This is not critical. It just doesn't look pretty.

Maybe if you could give me the source code of the application or where I could fix it.

05-06-2021, 16:28
I know what you mean. There are cases for numbers. In Russian there are 4 (as I remember), but, for instance in Arabic there are 5.

I guess, you may try to find a simple way but make it understandable, not correct. To make it correct it will require changes in base framework.
I'm not sure that's the way.

Anyway, it worth to highlight that to devs, there are might ability to use different cases.

Wish you strength to finish the pack, Dmitriy. :)

05-06-2021, 16:35
But there will be problems with translation. The rules of the English language are very different from the Russian ones. In addition to another sequence of words in Russian, we also have cases. There are 6 of them.
And the difference is in the ending of the plurals.
For example, the word "percent" is translated as "procent", "procenta" (plural), "procentov" (plural).
Example of phrases in Russian:
1 procent
3 procenta
5 procentov
13 procentov
43 procenta

We cannot say "43 procentov" instead of "43 procenta" etc

A Russian-speaking person will understand what is at stake. This is not critical. It just doesn't look pretty.

Maybe if you could give me the source code of the application or where I could fix it.

Possibly this is the source code what you are looking for, Dmitry


Dmitry Eniseev (iSNAIL)
05-06-2021, 17:10
Thank you so much

Seven Smiles
05-06-2021, 18:09
There is already some code for Italian https://gitlab.com/mr_belowski/CrewChiefV4/-/blob/master/CrewChiefV4/NumberReaderIt.cs, NumberReaderIt2.cs and QueuedMessage.cs
I know as much about it as I do about Italian and Russian grammar!

Dmitry Eniseev (iSNAIL)
23-06-2021, 21:50
For the correct reproduction of Russian speech, CrewChiefV4 needs to change a lot. Starting from numbers, ending with the ending of plural words. I have the source files that were given to me above, but I am not quite sure how this can be implemented and how to get it to work. For example, in the Numbers section, add the numbers "200", "300", "400", and etc. Because in Russian we cannot say "two and hundred" or "two hundred". We can say in one word "dvesti" (200), "trista" (300), etc.