View Full Version : Voice packs / translations

  1. How many phrases ?
  2. Translation to spanish
  3. French pack
  4. Translation into Russian
  5. Information about recording additional spotter sounds
  6. Italian Sound Pack
  7. Criar um pack em Português BR
  8. Translation to german
  9. German translation
  10. I'm thinking about making an official italian soundpack
  11. Authoring alternative Crew Chief voice packs
  12. Alternative Voice Pack: Stock Car Crew Chief & Spotter v0.50
  13. Italian Pack Translation for Iracing
  14. Alternative Voice Pack: Czech Translation & Voice pack
  15. Audio going to incorrect device, very strange one off issue
  16. Alternative Voice Pack: CrewChief - Voces en ESPAÑOL por JOSE DORTA(Xiry)
  17. put new name in app
  18. Pack Narrado de verdade em Português - lançada a primeira versão
  19. Reconocimiento de voz en español.
  20. Is it still possible to make custom spotter packs?
  21. Dutch voice pack
  22. Name addition???
  23. Calling me the wrong name
  24. Full custom crewchief voice pack for iRacing
  25. Name Request
  26. Any Plans for Female names?
  27. Name Missing after format
  28. Rare Name
  29. I am trying to make Chinese pace notes for dirty rally 2.0, but I am having problems
  30. I am trying to make Chinese pace notes for dirty rally 2.0, but I am having problems
  31. Earl Barban Spotter addlon
  32. Earl Barban Spotter add-on
  33. Earl Barban Spotter for CrewChief
  34. My name is missing after update
  35. Missing name that was there.
  36. Automobilista 2
  37. Name Request "Dawid" (Pronounced Daffyd)
  38. AI voice pack
  39. Name request
  40. Korean Spotter Pack
  41. complete wrong name pronouncation
  42. Murray Walker voice pack?
  43. Name Request
  44. Mit CC auf deutsch reden
  45. Would love a Guenther Steiner spotter
  46. Alternate Background Sounds: NASCAR/V8's (with Radio Coverage echo)
  47. Namensanfrage
  48. Name request
  49. Name request
  50. Name Request
  51. solicitud de nombre
  52. 14 new CrewChief voices + make your own
  53. Generate your own spotter via ElevenLabs API
  54. Background sounds
  55. Experimental German Voicepack (crew-chief-autovoicepack)
  56. Diving In to Connect and Contribute!
  57. Nuovo pacchetto in Italiano
  58. Please stop calling me Calverrrr
  59. Wrong name
  60. Here's a sarcastic spotter for you