I came a cross an issue with the McLaren F1 car, I gave the command 'Pitstop change all tyres', the tyres were selected but the pressure changed. I was practising pitting procedure and did this multiple times lap after lap, not realising the pressures were changing until about the fourth time. The pressure was adjusted slightly each time until it reached a particular point. I understand the F1 car allows very small pressure adjustments compared to other cars so maybe that's where the issue stems from.

The other thing with this car is fuel is in kg along with a few other cars in iRacing. I understand from other posts here that CC always works in litres as that's what iRacing requires. When a car uses kg can CC report fuel stats in kg? For instance I often ask 'How's my fuel?' to know how much fuel I use per lap but it's meaningless to get told how many litres I'm using when the car uses kg.