View Full Version : Talk to CC setting error: "Unable to acquire device [...] Class not registered"

14-01-2018, 17:38
When attempting to set my wheel's button as hotkey to talk to CC, this error message appears:


The full line, for reference:

Unable to acquire device : Ferrari F1 Wheel Advanced T300 error: HRESULT: [0x80040154], Module: [SharpDX.DirectInput], ApiCode: [DIERR_DEVICENOTREG/DeviceNotRegistered], Message: Class not registered

14-01-2018, 19:01
This usually happens if the device ID the app is trying to use isn't accessible. I've seen that error if the device list is out of date (maybe your wheel has been plugged in to a different usb port). Try clicking the 'scan for devices' button and trying again.

14-01-2018, 21:59
Thank you, that worked beautifully.